How to reach your ideal audience by using long-tail concept
Long tail concept is very useful when choosing the most effective subjects to cover in your article marketing campaign and you can achieve that by applying this concept to the keywords from your specific niche. You will then be able to focus your writing on narrowed-down subjects in your niche and far more easily reach your ideal targeted audience and motivate it to action. The nature of long-tail concept strategy is somewhat counter-intuitive and therefore not that easy to grasp. You may wonder how can writing and targeting a smaller group of readers increase your articles' click through rate.
Firstly, you need to discover what phrases people from your target niche audience type into search engines when trying to find solutions. The most efficient way to do that is to pretend that you are actually one of your target readers. Firstly define the search queries relevant to the promoting subject in your niche, then narrow these queries down until you find those which will potentially generate representative quantities of search results for that long tail keyword. There are many keyword research tools that can help you with this process. Google's auto-complete tool can effectively be used for this purpose as its algorithm is predicting and displaying search queries based on what other users have typed in their search by calculating numbers of searches, popularity of search terms and other numerous objective factors. So this tool will help you grasp what are most commonly used and often typed search queries in a given niche.
Use this tool to discover long tail phrases that people are searching for, as people who are typing them are already very interested and invested in the subject they are researching and they are trying to find a very specific information, the fact which you can use in your long-tail conceited article to achieve a handsome conversion rate.
Articles based around long tail keywords will help you to both show your expertise on a particular subject and target a smaller group of readers but the group which is highly motivated and interested to read what you have written and click on any link which you provided within your article that may help them to find the information, solution and answer to their long tail search query.