What is the Best Treatment For Acne?
Without wishing to sound flippant, the answer to the question "what is the best treatment for acne?" must surely be "the one that cures your acne for good".
Ah yes, all well and good but the prevailing medical opinion is that there is no cure for acne.
So, now what? Well if you read on you may be surprised to learn that the answer given above is not so flippant.
Let's examine the reason why the medical establishment takes this view.
Firstly, skin specialists, although they are greatly experienced in recognising the different external physical symptoms of acne and treating these symptoms, really do not fully understand what causes acne.
This is why they claim that there is no cure for acne and prescribe one of the many different types of medication available today as being the best treatment for acne.
Secondly, we must appreciate that the market for acne medication is massive and consequently many millions of dollars are spent on developing more and more treatments and medication and even more on advertising them.
So, where is the incentive to develop a cure for acne which would render these treatments, redundant? Why "kill the goose that lays the golden egg?" So, how can you possibly know what the best treatment for acne is? There is now an ever growing interest in natural medicine, driven primarily by serious concerns over drug based medication and the negative side effects that they can cause.
Practitioners of natural medicine hold a totally different view of disease and illness, believing that the symptoms that are observed are the body's way of showing that there are fundamental problems which can be caused by a range of factors, internal, external, psychological or a combination of these.
Acne is a good example, because it can be caused by such a combination of contributory factors.
If you do not deal with all these factors then you will never cure acne, permanently.
There are many natural treatments and remedies available to acne sufferers which can produce results as effective as the more well known prescribed and over-the-counter medications.
But will they cure the problem once and for all? Sadly, probably not.
So, are we back at step one? Not necessarily.
Recently, a new approach to the problem, undertaken by a medical researcher and nutritionist, who was himself an acne sufferer, resulted in the development of a totally holistic program for treating all the factors that produce acne, in other words dealing effectively with the root cause of the complaint.
Importantly it does not rely on any form of medication or drug.
The results of this program have been astonishing, with great success reported from thousands of former sufferers who have gained complete relief from their acne.
Moreover, the cost is minimal in comparison to ongoing costs of "normal" acne treatment.
So, now there is a simple answer to those who ask "what is the best acne treatment?" It has to be the one that cures your acne...
for good.
Ah yes, all well and good but the prevailing medical opinion is that there is no cure for acne.
So, now what? Well if you read on you may be surprised to learn that the answer given above is not so flippant.
Let's examine the reason why the medical establishment takes this view.
Firstly, skin specialists, although they are greatly experienced in recognising the different external physical symptoms of acne and treating these symptoms, really do not fully understand what causes acne.
This is why they claim that there is no cure for acne and prescribe one of the many different types of medication available today as being the best treatment for acne.
Secondly, we must appreciate that the market for acne medication is massive and consequently many millions of dollars are spent on developing more and more treatments and medication and even more on advertising them.
So, where is the incentive to develop a cure for acne which would render these treatments, redundant? Why "kill the goose that lays the golden egg?" So, how can you possibly know what the best treatment for acne is? There is now an ever growing interest in natural medicine, driven primarily by serious concerns over drug based medication and the negative side effects that they can cause.
Practitioners of natural medicine hold a totally different view of disease and illness, believing that the symptoms that are observed are the body's way of showing that there are fundamental problems which can be caused by a range of factors, internal, external, psychological or a combination of these.
Acne is a good example, because it can be caused by such a combination of contributory factors.
If you do not deal with all these factors then you will never cure acne, permanently.
There are many natural treatments and remedies available to acne sufferers which can produce results as effective as the more well known prescribed and over-the-counter medications.
But will they cure the problem once and for all? Sadly, probably not.
So, are we back at step one? Not necessarily.
Recently, a new approach to the problem, undertaken by a medical researcher and nutritionist, who was himself an acne sufferer, resulted in the development of a totally holistic program for treating all the factors that produce acne, in other words dealing effectively with the root cause of the complaint.
Importantly it does not rely on any form of medication or drug.
The results of this program have been astonishing, with great success reported from thousands of former sufferers who have gained complete relief from their acne.
Moreover, the cost is minimal in comparison to ongoing costs of "normal" acne treatment.
So, now there is a simple answer to those who ask "what is the best acne treatment?" It has to be the one that cures your acne...
for good.