The Best Product For Fleas In Cats And Dogs
Dogs as well as cats are prone to diseases caused by fleas. Fleas can infest dogs and cats with ease as they can transfer from one dog to another. Fleas can't fly, they can only jump, which they do very well from one animal to another. The bad news is that flea bite can lead to itching and your dog will have to spend most of his time try to get rid of itching. For some dogs, excessive itching can lead to inflammation, redness of skin, hair-loss, and even secondary skin infections. The best way to fight flea bites is to get your dog the best pet health care. You can alternatively use Fronline spot on, which is a great treatment for dogs as well as cats. The salient point of Fronline spot on is that it will provide long-term protection for your dog or cat.
Fleas are small insects that can cause a great deal of problem to your cat or dog. They normally thrive anywhere from 65-80 degrees temperature and at a humidity level of at least 75-85%. Hence, you will find fleas almost in every environment, any country except maybe the far Lapland or the Antarctic.
Fronline spot on contains fipronil, which is a phenylpyrazole and it is licensed for daily use in the form of veterinary medicine. Fipronil used in Fronline spot on is not at all an organo-phosphate compound. Fleas have always troubled dogs and cats and sometimes the experience can become extremely frustrating for you as well. You would even start thinking that the fleas can't be removed but the truth is that with good pet health care and the regular use of Fronline spot on, you can provide your dog with relief from fleas.
The working of the Fronline spot on is quite simple. Simply part the hair on back of cat/dogs neck and squeeze contents of pipette onto the area. The moment it is in direct contact with the fleas, it will kill the parasite within a period of 24 hours and the good part is the fleas will not bite or sting your dog or cat. You can apply Fronline spot on at the back of the neck of your dog or cat. The active ingredient in Fronline spot on called fipronil will dissolve with ease into the skin of your dog or cat and even the coat. Within 24 hours, it will disperse over the entire body of your dog and at the same time focus on sebaceous glands. As a result, it's overall effect is powerful.
Officially classified as a type of NFA-VPS medicine, Fronline spot on is considered a non-food animal medicine, which can be sold by pharmacies. You will not need any clinical assessmentsof your dog before using the medicine and its use will keep fleas away from your cat.