Acne Symptoms and Treatment --A Serious Teenage Problem
Acne can have a big emotional impact on teenagers even if it is quite mild. The pimples as they are often called can affect both a teenagers self image and his/her esteem, and can result in loss of self confidence. The more severe and disfiguring the condition is the more it likely that it will create an emotional problem for the teenager.
Teenage children with acne in many cases feel embarrassed or self conscious about their skin condition. In some cases this can even result in depression and the tendency to withdraw from society, because of embarrassment about the skin. It is very important that parents should recognise that this skin problem, even if mild, can quite possibly have a big impact on a teenagers self image and confidence.
Acne is started by hormones which are released in the childs body at the time of puberty. The skins sebaceous or oil glands are stimulated by these hormones which results in an oily skin that is quite susceptible to blocked pores and acne breakouts. Other things which can make the condition worse are improper diet and stress.
Parents need to realise that they must provide support and help, to get the right acne treatment for their teenage child. This support can greatly aid the teenager and bolster his/her self esteem. A number of brands of over the counter medication of various are available to treat acne. If this medication does not result in significant improvement within a few weeks it is best to consult a doctor. Prescription treatments are available which are usually quite helpful although there is presentlyno cure for acne. Treatment of acne takes time and patience but most cases can be successfully improved and controlled by use of the right medications.