Traffic Will Be Never Be an Issue When You See This
Now not every website owner and affiliate marketer wants to be digging into their credit cards to cough up for Ad words or face book ad campaigns, even knowing they will supply a lot of good targeted traffic, But only if done properly or they could quickly send you bust with a maxed out credit card.
On to the free stuff, getting your website traffic for free, with billions of sites on the web, trying to get you're site seen and ranked in the first top pagers of the search results is going to be a battle no matter the topic or niche and this is even more absolute if it is a newly listed site.
More needs to be done from the very beginning before a domain is purchased, a minimum of 3 hour should be spent working on getting the best keywords together for you domain name, look keywords will always be a major part of the search results, the search providers will never be able to change this, say for instants you search for "bird baths" the results will show bird baths not dog bowls, and if your domain name has the words "bird baths" in it that will automatically throw it into the search results quicker than a domain with "everything for birds".
Believe it or not that is just the start of what will need to be done to get a good rank in the top pages, but it is the first and I think one of the most important steps to generating free targeted traffic from Google, Bing, yahoo and the rest.
For the next step it does come down to quality content, and this means for people not the search engine spiders, visitors to your website want to find what they are looking for easy and when they find it they want to get great information, NOT GOOD, GREAT, give them the information they are looking for.
* what can it do for them
* what problems does it solve
* Deep product Details
* Quality Pictures
If you can cover these bases you are on your way to making a sale, finish off with a price and a call to action button = BUY NOW.
don't over emphasise the keywords within this page as you will be putting them in anyway, within the title, content, pictures. that is more than enough or it may go against you if you keyword spam.
Wow this is getting long and I have only got the domain name and first product page done, well guess what? its done properly and this is just the start to what the search engines want to see. if you would like to learn more about getting real website traffic as this small article is only the tip of the ice berg I have put together a 16 video course that covers social media, article marketing and more, it does cost and has a 60 day money back deal, have a look and learn to generate more traffic
David Out