Choosing A Tiffany Style Lamp Made Simple
In deciding on what type of Tiffany Lamp you would like in your home, it can be an overwhelming decision when you see the different styles and types that are now available. Most of the Tiffany Style Lamps are reproductions, but are made similar to the originals. Look for lamps that are hand made, yes, they are still available, and the glass is hand soldered together for the original look of the Tiffanys. The colors in this type of lamp are rich, pure, colors taken from nature. Most of the lamps will fall in one of two categories either Victorian or Mission. The Mission Styles are where you will find the geometric and angled designs using many different colors. In the Victorian styles you will find the flowers, dragonfly, and the nature themes made popular by Mr. Tiffany. Also take into consideration the shape and dome of the lamp. They vary from a straight line finish at the bottom to the irregular, such as the Wisteria Design that is designed to look exactly like the tree. The bases of the lamps are mostly bronze designed to be an extension of the lamp shade and its theme.
When deciding which lamp is for you, keep in mind the type that you are looking for. Are you looking for a floor lamp, accent lamp, table lamp, a chandelier? Is the purpose of your Tiffany just for looks, atmosphere, or lighting such as a reading table? Are you going for a general look, an accent or a purpose? Will it be the focus of your room with a stunning floor lamb or a magnificent chandelier? Keep also in mind, children and pets; will there be any conflict or chance of damage that could happen?
Tiffany Lambs, Sun Catchers & Panels will accent any room in your home. They can be placed anywhere from the bathroom to the bedroom and any room in between. No matter where they are placed, they are sure to add color, beauty and character. So do not be concerned with trying to match it to everything. It will not happen. What you want to consider is the flow of the room with your colors all blending but not necessarily matching. The trick to Tiffany Lamps is to stand back and notice its overall color scheme the dominate color that stands out and blending that color with the rest of the room. Bear in mind that the lamps will accent a room and, when lit, will reflect the colors on neighboring walls, windows, ceilings, & furniture. The lighting and colors are a soft, reflective nature and will set the tone in any room with warmth, vibrancy, and character.
As with any decision you make regarding the look and feel of your home, the most important consideration is you and your family. Tiffany Lamps are beautiful, unique, colorful and rich with character. They all have a distinctive quality about them and most are one of kind. In the process of production, materials differ; workmanship varies from artist to artist, colors vary in the glass and different markings can be seen in all of the lamps when lit. Markings such as lines, bubbles, and seeds, are not a flaw in the quality but natural beauty in the nature of stained glass.
In essence, take your time when deciding on a Tiffany Lamp. Consider the colors, the look, the purpose of the lamp, where it will go, how it will fit in the room. Besides all that, like what you decide on. If you do not like it, dont buy it. Dont worry about making it match, it probably wont and dont worry about it fitting into some sort of theme or design. Tiffany Lamps can stand alone or blend. It is all in how YOU feel. Have fun, there are LOTS if styles to choose from. Once decided on and purchased your Tiffany Lamp will bring you years of satisfaction. It never grows tiring, you will be able to pass it on to your children and grand children, and the lamp will soon become a memorable heir loom in your family for generations to come.