5 Ways to Get Pregnant Faster Than You Ever Imagined!
First is obvious but try to have regular sex it sounds simple but it can be very effective, increase the sex you are having, once or twice a week is not enough, try to do this four times a week and also take into account when you are ovulating this can increase the changes to become pregnant.
Second to see when you are ovulating there are different methods you can use, you can take your body temperature daily using basal thermometer or you can purchase ovulation prediction kit they work by measuring the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the woman's urine this helps to increase the change of becoming pregnant because the sperm and the ovum have a good chance of meeting in the fallopian tube.
The third way is to practice yoga and meditation people find that they feel much more relaxed by combining these two methods together it also helps to reduce stress from our muscular tension.
If you can try to exercise three times a week, exercises can reduce stress from our nervous system.
The fourth way is for both partners to cut out their caffeine try instead to use herbal teas or just add few drops of lemon juice the best advice is to eliminate all caffeine-containing beverages from your diet while you are pregnant.
Research show this can lead to lead to dehydration, low birth weight, can block the production of healthy sperm and increase the change of miscarriage.
Last, think about what you are eating stop eating junk food these foods are often high in fat, salt and other artificial ingredients not to mention high in sugar add B-vitamin (Folic-acid) to your diet and never smoke, drink or use drugs this will only decrease the change of getting pregnant.