Singles And The Joys Of A Loving Union
For singles to begin being choosy and ignoring the clarity of the feeling of love they must have a mental attitude towards adoration. It is not common for anybody to just think of love as one thing and ignore it the second minute. Love comes as one of those feelings which we cannot stay away from. You must be really inhuman to not only have the power to ignore the schemes of love, but also have the audacity of refraining from its undoing. It is the joy of all singles to at one time linger within the limelight of a loving relationship which will make them settle down some day. The neo singles are affected by immense pressures and duties to be able to socialize as normal as they would want through out their time.
The problem is here is that most of the time they cannot be able to have a fruitful time where they measure up with their naturally endowed duties of friendships and relationships. There is no time to meet the girls after work because you leave your work station very late. The only time that you have is only enough for you to grab a quick supper and get down sleeping to rejuvenate yourself for the next day. The singles have learnt through hard facts and lethal experiences that love requires you to be around. You cannot be in love or attracted to a person and fail to be around, and if circumstances force you, then you must have a way of attaining the balance between your love life and professional life.
The natural way for a relationship to take when one partner is absent is replacement, and there are so many singles around to have you replaced before you can even say the word die. You will not be replaced in bad faith though, but the feeling is that you cannot stay without love anymore if at all you had tasted some of it. Love is just that it needs to be nurtured by the presence of people since it grows where people are. When there are people then love can grow, and it can also fail if the presence is replaced by absence. You must remember that you have friends and your lover has other friends too, who are always looming in the shadows waiting to pounce on the other partner once you have been jilted.