What Is Genital Herpes? And How To Manage This Life Changing Experience
Genital herpes is a viral infection.
It causes ulcers or sores in the genital area.
It is related to the virus that causes common cold sores or fever blisters around the mouth.
An infected person stays infected for life and he or she may have repeated attacks of genital herpes ulcers in future.
The infection comes through direct contact, usually sexual, with an infected person who has blisters or sores.
People infected but without sores may transmit the virus to others, but the chances are considerably less.
People with sores may spread the virus to other parts of their own body with their hands.
So it is important to wash and dry hands thoroughly after touching herpes sores.
Genital Herpes can cause blister-like sores in the genital area.
With the first infection there may also be fever, joint pain, flu-like signs, pain when passing urine and itching, or tingling.
The sores are sometimes very painful.
They generally heal in 1 to 2 weeks without scarring.
However, the virus is still there and the sores can come back.
When they come back, they are usually less painful and heal faster.
Genital Herpes is usually spread by contact with the sores.
Even when you have no sores, there is a small chance you may pass the infection on to a sex partner.
Many people tell a new partner they have had herpes because they have respect for the other person.
If you are pregnant, tell your doctor that you have herpes.
The virus can spread to your baby, especially around the time of birth.
Your doctor may need to take specific action during pregnancy and at the time of delivery.
There is no medical cure for genital herpes at the present time.
One has to keep the area clean and dry, because this helps the sores to heal faster.
Soaking in a shallow tub of salty water may ease the discomfort.
One must wear cotton underwear as synthetics hold in moisture and slow the healing process.
You can spread the virus to other parts of your body (especially your eyes) with your hands.
Wash your hands well after touching sores.
Your doctor may treat your first infection with pills.
These can make the sores go away faster if taken early.
They do not stop the sores from coming back.
If you have serious disease, your doctor may prescribe pills to be taken as soon as you feel the sores recurring.
One should indulge in sex only when the sores are gone.
You should not have sex when the sores are present because you can infect your partner.
It is always better to discuss about the infection and the present state of your disease with your spouse or partner before you indulge in sex.
That gives them a reasonable chance to choose what they want.
General Points to Remember: Most media stories about genital herpes are exaggerated.
It is a nuisance condition in adults, but it is life-threatening to infants.
Because the virus stays in the body, herpes sores can come back.
Here are some things you can do to avoid this: • Get enough rest and exercise • Eat living food such as sprouts and salads • Take good care of your body and avoid stress • undergo regularcheck-ups as your doctor or clinic asks • Tell people you have had sex with during the past 2 years.
They should be examined and counseled • Use condoms to lower the chance of infections of genital herpes in the future.
People with genital herpes infections have an increased risk of contracting other STDs and HIV.
The present medical system claims genital herpes is incurable and focuses on managing the frequent outbreaks and the intensity of the sufferings by antiviral medication.
The only hope for those who are suffering rests on alternate or herbal medicines, which claim to have cured many cases.
As suppressive medication creates long term side effects, one should wisely choose his/her own mode of genital herpes treatment.
It causes ulcers or sores in the genital area.
It is related to the virus that causes common cold sores or fever blisters around the mouth.
An infected person stays infected for life and he or she may have repeated attacks of genital herpes ulcers in future.
The infection comes through direct contact, usually sexual, with an infected person who has blisters or sores.
People infected but without sores may transmit the virus to others, but the chances are considerably less.
People with sores may spread the virus to other parts of their own body with their hands.
So it is important to wash and dry hands thoroughly after touching herpes sores.
Genital Herpes can cause blister-like sores in the genital area.
With the first infection there may also be fever, joint pain, flu-like signs, pain when passing urine and itching, or tingling.
The sores are sometimes very painful.
They generally heal in 1 to 2 weeks without scarring.
However, the virus is still there and the sores can come back.
When they come back, they are usually less painful and heal faster.
Genital Herpes is usually spread by contact with the sores.
Even when you have no sores, there is a small chance you may pass the infection on to a sex partner.
Many people tell a new partner they have had herpes because they have respect for the other person.
If you are pregnant, tell your doctor that you have herpes.
The virus can spread to your baby, especially around the time of birth.
Your doctor may need to take specific action during pregnancy and at the time of delivery.
There is no medical cure for genital herpes at the present time.
One has to keep the area clean and dry, because this helps the sores to heal faster.
Soaking in a shallow tub of salty water may ease the discomfort.
One must wear cotton underwear as synthetics hold in moisture and slow the healing process.
You can spread the virus to other parts of your body (especially your eyes) with your hands.
Wash your hands well after touching sores.
Your doctor may treat your first infection with pills.
These can make the sores go away faster if taken early.
They do not stop the sores from coming back.
If you have serious disease, your doctor may prescribe pills to be taken as soon as you feel the sores recurring.
One should indulge in sex only when the sores are gone.
You should not have sex when the sores are present because you can infect your partner.
It is always better to discuss about the infection and the present state of your disease with your spouse or partner before you indulge in sex.
That gives them a reasonable chance to choose what they want.
General Points to Remember: Most media stories about genital herpes are exaggerated.
It is a nuisance condition in adults, but it is life-threatening to infants.
Because the virus stays in the body, herpes sores can come back.
Here are some things you can do to avoid this: • Get enough rest and exercise • Eat living food such as sprouts and salads • Take good care of your body and avoid stress • undergo regularcheck-ups as your doctor or clinic asks • Tell people you have had sex with during the past 2 years.
They should be examined and counseled • Use condoms to lower the chance of infections of genital herpes in the future.
People with genital herpes infections have an increased risk of contracting other STDs and HIV.
The present medical system claims genital herpes is incurable and focuses on managing the frequent outbreaks and the intensity of the sufferings by antiviral medication.
The only hope for those who are suffering rests on alternate or herbal medicines, which claim to have cured many cases.
As suppressive medication creates long term side effects, one should wisely choose his/her own mode of genital herpes treatment.