Longaberger Baskets
The Longaberger Company has been in business for almost 40 years. Yet, when I share Longaberger products, sometimes I still hear….. "Longa What?"
How can a company, who is known as an icon, in the Direct Selling industry, be not-so-well-known? Sometimes I wonder if it's their name - Longaberger. Nice family name, right? I know people who have been using Longaberger Baskets, Pottery and Wrought Iron for YEARS…. And, STILL, there's difficulty with that name. I often hear them referred to as…. "Longenberger Baskets", "Longerberger Baskets", "Longeberger Baskets". What's in a name anyway?
Members, of the Longaberger family, have been weaving baskets since 1896; way before people even thought of using cardboard boxes or plastic containers. Baskets have been used, for centuries, for a variety of practical purposes. It makes me wonder how much better off, our environment might be, if we had remained with natural containers, there would be a lot less plastic and other materials that can take up to 60 years to degrade.
With the Great Depression, the basket making industry fell on hard times. So, to supplement their income, the Longaberger family made baskets, in various shapes and sizes, responding to local community needs. Large Pottery Baskets were made to carry green-ware to the kilns. When the pottery business was off, fruit baskets, with inverted bottoms, were made for the local farmers to haul their produce. The inverted bottoms allowed air to circulate freely which prevented pre-mature rotting. Market baskets were always in demand, aiding families with carrying their goods from the store. And, laundry baskets were always a favorite.
When The Longaberger Company began, in 1973, founder, Dave Longaberger, began to teach others the Longaberger style of weaving. Many of those same, time-honored, techniques, utilized by Dave's father and grand-father, are used, even today, in weaving Longaberger Baskets. Weavers train as artisans to become experts in the weaving process. Upon completion of a basket, the weaver signs, and dates it, which makes each hand-woven piece a special treasure. When you see the Longaberger burned-in logo, along with the weaver's initials and date the basket was woven, you know… it's not just a basket, it's a Longaberger Basket.
Longaberger has continued the tradition of making high quality products. This quality can be seen in Longaberger's line of vitrified pottery and wrought iron. Longaberger has also produced a beautiful line of Handbags and other accessories as well a
of home accents. I have found that while sharing Longaberger's quality products, I am introducing useful products that will last a lifetime. I am proud to be able to use Longaberger products in my home and share Longaberger with others .
So, what's in a name? Whether you pronounce it Longaberger, Longenberger, Longerberger or Longeberger, the Longaberger name stands for American craftsmanship, time-honored traditions and top quality products designed to simplify and enhance your everyday life.
Visit my website to see how a product line of 12 baskets has grown to hundreds of hand-crafted baskets, pottery, wrought Iron and more.