What To Look For When Shopping For Springfield Business Insurance
First, you want to make sure that you are dealing with a reputable agent or broker. Someone that you know is ethical, going to be looking out for your best interest, and someone that is knowledgeable in your field. You dont want someone who specializes in Hair salon insurance coming in to quote your auto garage. Sure, they can give you a basic liability and property quote, but maybe they dont completely understand the difference direct primary and excess liability on your garage keepers policy.
Second, you need to decide if you want to deal with a big corporation or a smaller mom and pops company. This is personal preference. One the one hand, the big corporation has the fancy bells and whistles, the fancy balls every year, but when you have a problem, or need to deal with someone for customer service, you maybe speaking with a different agent every time.
With the smaller agency, you dont have all of the bells and whistles, but you do have that special added touch of being able to deal with someone that knows you and your business.
Dont get me wrong, the bigger company will also know your business just as well, just sometimes you will deal with a different customer service rep when you call.
And Last, do you want to deal with a Sales Person, or someone who is an Insurance Professional. There is a difference here.
A sales person is may come out and quote your insurance, give you the same exact coverage you have and just try and save you a few bucks. If this is what you are looking for, thats great. If your interested in actually protecting your business, while finding the best value, you will want to find the insurance professional.
Now this goes for all of the US, probably all of the world. It doesnt matter if you are looking for Springfield business insurance or non profit directors insurance , these are some of the things to consider, and really just the tip of the iceberg.
Keep this in mind next time you are shopping your insurance.