How to secure a prolific software package
One of the biggest problems with prolific software packages is that they are only as strong as their weakest device. If one programme on one computer becomes corrupt, it can bring down the entire network, or at the very least result in lost or damaged data. The costs of this are potentially infinite. Using a fully integrated system of patches and vulnerability management programmes will ensure that security remains intact across the entire network. An integrated system will reduce the risk of one weakened device compromising the entire system.
With a modern security system such as a vulnerability management tool, you will be able to constantly monitor potential security risks as well as receive alerts when risks and vulnerabilities are detected. In addition, you will be able to monitor the security level of programmes within the system, regardless of their genesis. This means that you can monitor programmes in Windows or Mac OS as easily as those downloaded from the Internet. You can also see how vulnerable various programmes are, allowing the focus to be on risk prevention, rather than reaction.
Although managing security on a prolific software package can be daunting, there is a range of options available to help you integrate, meaning that your software can be dynamic and customised to your own specific needs. Although installing a software patch is something that most security managers have done, by using an integrated system, you will be able to monitor the need for software patches across the board, ensuring that you are able to spot potential problems before they occur. This places you in a far stronger position, regardless of the size of the network on which you are working. An integrated system will mean that your security is as simple for one computer as it is for the entire network.