Things to Do to Improve Your Golf Swing - 4 Quick Tips
Employing balance will improve your golf swing, and it is variable according to the club you are using.
What you are really seeking when we speak of balance is the correct position at the top of the swing.
Correct position will give you stability, prominently in your right leg.
If your swing is balanced, your weight will shift into your other leg at impact while your belt buckle is square to the target.
Consistency For the moment forget about the quality and type of club you use.
In order for you to master the game you must have a good consistent golf swing.
One of the keys to being consistent is to swing the club inside-out and believe in your body, using correct mechanics for the swing.
Of all the keys to golf, consistently using the same swing, the same stroke, depending on the club, will give you the best golf game.
Practice I am sure I do not have to mention that practice is one of the major components to improve your golf swing.
One method to practice is by placing a brightly colored tee about eight inches before where the ball in placed and attempt to hit the tee after you strike the ball.
This is one practice that would be best to do at the driving range but by using a wiffle ball you could practice this in your back yard.
If you are at the range, you can place a shaft in the ground just to the left of my target side leg, this will keep your body sway in check.
Speed Creating club head speed is the real key to hitting the ball father.
Stance, if too narrow will restrict you from being able to turn your hips.
In addition any failure in swing mechanics or timing sequence will decrease club head speed at impact.
Do not confuse club head speed and swinging hard as being the same.
When an average player uses a harder swing it usually results in swing mechanics failure.
Of course this results in a less than desirable distance.