What Effect Does Food Have on Your Spots?
Do you have an acne problem that is getting you down and causing you to feel unattractive? Do you wonder whether a change in your diet could help? There is much advice that is bandied around such as to avoid eating fatty, oily, sugary and refined foods.
Should you try to stop eating these foods? Many myths about food and their link to acne exist.
Most of them can be traced back to a flawed study that was carried out in the 1960's.
The results of this study suggested that there was in fact a strong connection between eating oily foods and large amounts of chocolate, and bad cases of acne.
More recent research has however quashed those claims and confirms that this link does not exist.
Acne is caused by blocked pores which then become infected.
It is not in fact linked to the food you have consumed.
Some people do however have allergies.
This is a different issue and where allergies exist there can sometimes be effects on the skin that become apparent.
If you think you may have allergies then look for any patterns in what you are eating and what effect it has on your acne.
If you have a strong suspicion that certain types of food do affect you then it would be best to cut them out of your diet, so far as possible.
Trace minerals and additives in the food should be kept in mind when looking for possible allergic reactions.
In addition to considering your diet, follow a good skin care routine.
This should include regular cleansing and mild treatments.
Look after your general health by eating well and exercising.
Should you try to stop eating these foods? Many myths about food and their link to acne exist.
Most of them can be traced back to a flawed study that was carried out in the 1960's.
The results of this study suggested that there was in fact a strong connection between eating oily foods and large amounts of chocolate, and bad cases of acne.
More recent research has however quashed those claims and confirms that this link does not exist.
Acne is caused by blocked pores which then become infected.
It is not in fact linked to the food you have consumed.
Some people do however have allergies.
This is a different issue and where allergies exist there can sometimes be effects on the skin that become apparent.
If you think you may have allergies then look for any patterns in what you are eating and what effect it has on your acne.
If you have a strong suspicion that certain types of food do affect you then it would be best to cut them out of your diet, so far as possible.
Trace minerals and additives in the food should be kept in mind when looking for possible allergic reactions.
In addition to considering your diet, follow a good skin care routine.
This should include regular cleansing and mild treatments.
Look after your general health by eating well and exercising.