How to stop hair loss the easy way
People experiencing hair fall are constantly trying to learn how to stop hair loss? Although it is not necessarily a disease it can cause a lot of suffering, psychologically and emotionally. No one understands the pain one suffers until you have been there. As a cancer survivor, after chemotherapy sessions, I lost all my hair, from my head, to my nostrils and eyebrows. I felt so nude without my hair. I did not want to go out and be seen by people. It was devastating and it took all my will power to keep me from falling into depression.
Hair Loss in Men
Hair loss in men can be inherited. Studies have shown that male baldness is usually caused by an excess of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This is a chemical which causes the hair follicles to thin out until they give up completely and a larger part of the scalp becomes very visible. But hair loss in men can also be caused by an iron deficiency or an under active thyroid. Fungal infection on the scalp may also cause hair fall in men. Another common, and perhaps most vicious, cause is stress.
How to prevent hair loss
Another common cause of hair fall is a nutrient deficiency in the body. One way how to prevent hair loss is to make should that you always have a healthy, balanced diet. You may also choose to take multi-vitamin and/or multi-mineral supplements to make up for any deficiency. A balanced and proper nutrient supply will make your body function properly and stop hair loss.
Drinking at least eight ounces of water every day is another great way to prevent hair loss. It washes away the toxins from our body. Dehydration is another cause of hair fall. Caffeine has been proven to be diuretic, making you urinate more often and the liquid in your body is depleted causing dehydration. Substitute coffee with fruit juice and milk to keep your hair shinier and healthier.
Seven to eight hours of sleep are required for a healthy body. Sleeping allows our body to regenerate and recover after a day's work, removing the toxins you have inhaled, eaten or drunk.
Natural remedies to prevent hair loss
There are natural remedies to help prevent hair loss. Keeping your hair clean and free from dandruff and hair lice may prevent the hair from falling. Massage the scalp with lukewarm oil twice a month. Choose the proper shampoo for your hair. Every person's hair will have a shampoo and hair care product that is most appropriate and that can help prevent hair loss. We should also lessen the use of hair sprays and hair gels. If dandruff develops in your scalp you can mix camphor cubes with coconut oil or rub a lime and let it stay for ten minutes. Do not comb you hair when it is wet. Just wrap it with towel so any excess water will be absorbed by the towel, and let it dry naturally.
Unless caused by a disease, how to stop hair loss is something that can performed by ensuring proper hygiene, balance nutritional needs and freeing ourselves from stress. Combine this healthy lifestyle with some of the natural remedies for the best methods of avoiding hair fall. As you have taken the time to read this article, you are clearly interested in finding out how to stop hair loss, this video will show you a great effective method, that will help, check it out here.