How to Make a Simple Recycled Bottle Birdfeeder?
To make a recycled bottle birdfeeder you'll need the following:
€ A large clean plastic bottle
€ Chopsticks, barbecue skewers or straight sticks of about 8€ to 10€ to use as perches
€ Metal screw hooks
€ Glue
€ A knife, awl or any tool with which to drill holes
Here are the steps to be followed:
€ Screw the hook into the center of the cap
€ Cut holes across the bottle for perches about 1 € off the bottom. Insert your skewer or chopstick so they project evenly on both sides. You could make another set of perches about 6€ higher and perpendicular to the first set.
€ Cut holes for feeding ports above each perch. The holes should be just large enough to allow the seed you use to pass through.
€ Fill the feeder slowly with birdseed. If your feed ports are too large and spilling out seed you can make them smaller with some adhesive tape.
€ Your recycled bottle birdfeeder is ready for business. Hang it off a convenient branch or hook outside and wait for your feathered guests to arrive.
If you'd like to improve on your birdfeeder you could suspend a small plate below it to act as a seed catcher. Another good idea is to drill a small drain hole in the base to let any moisture flow through.