Choosing Between Debt Relief Options
The Options
Debt relief options run the spectrum from a personalized budget aimed at reducing debts on your own, to settling with creditors, and through more guided means like bankruptcy. The least intrusive method is a debt management plan. These are essentially a structure debt repayment plan designed by you to target one of your debts and funneling as much of your extra cash towards it until paid off. The idea is to knock out your debts one at a time until they are all paid off or sufficiently lowered.
Debt negotiations and settlement plans are other avenues, which basically involves arranging a repayment plan with creditors directly. In debt negotiations, you are typically pursuing a lowered monthly payment or modified payment term. While these can be effective, not everyone is successful in negotiating with creditors. Debt settlements may also be arranged with a creditor, allowing you to pay less than is actually owed. These can also be difficult to come by.
While bankruptcy is generally thought of as the preferred option, it can be quite beneficial for many people experiencing financial trouble. Besides helping to eliminate your debts bankruptcy can stop debt collection procedures and prevent undesirable consequences, such as foreclosure or repossession.
Choosing The Best
Knowing which option is best for your really depends on your current financial situation and what risks you may be facing. If you can afford to repay some of your debts, even with a modified payment term, and have nothing of value at risk of repossession or liquidation, debt management plans or negotiations with creditors could be an option.
If you are having a difficult time managing minimum payments on your accounts, have assets at risk of foreclosure or repossession or are fearful your financial hardship could be more prolonged, bankruptcy could be your better option. Filing for bankruptcy is the best way to put an immediate halt to debt collections, foreclosures, repossessions, wage garnishments and further penalty fees. Bankruptcy can give you a chance to take control over your debts without the stress and continued uphill battle of debt management when income is insufficient.