Natural Remedies For Depression
Depression, like other diseases, can not be taken lightly.
It can lead to severe conditions like sleep loss, gloominess, headaches and nervous breakdown.
Depression is a common disorder and up-to-date research have shown that almost 10% of the total human population suffers from one or the other kinds of depression.
As per the outcomes of U.
National Comorbidity Survey showed that 17.
3% of the American population went through a chain of serious depression and about 24.
5% experienced an anxiety related illness at some point in their lives.
It has been recognized that depression may also be inherited from parents, aside from various psychological reasons.
It can also be a side effect of several medical treatments for diseases like high blood pressure and cancer.
Depression can exist in several forms, such as maniac depression, schizophrenia, psychotic depression and dysthymia even though symptoms of each kind of depression may appear similar.
In women the ratio of depression is twice as strong as it is in men.
Depression, in western medicine, is treated with methods involving antidepressants medication and Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
Whether these medical treatments are effective is still a arguable subject and hence alternative treatment techniques are sought, some of which are described below: oMeditation: Meditation is known to be very helpful for curing depression, regardless it is psychological or biological depression.
One kind of meditation technique called Metta Bhavana or loving kindness meditation is found to be beneficial to patients suffering from depression.
It is practised by Buddhist people and focuses on enlightening love.
Another meditation technique for depression is Mindful meditation and which helps to gain a relaxed state of mind, free from concerns and daily stress.
oHerbal Medication: Herbal medication involves a rich diet of magnesium, vitamin B6, folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids.
All these components can bring about the introduction of 5-hydroxytryptamine, which is a mood enhancing neurotransmitter.
As a precautionary measure, a doctor must be consulted before taking any herbal medication.
oReflexology: Reflexology was invented in ancient China and is often misinterpreted to be acupuncture.
A Refloxology practitioner treats the chemical composition distortions of the body by stimulating the reflex pressure points located in the foot.
In the treatment process, it is important to select the correct specific reflex point that alleviates depression, since each reflex point serves a special purpose.
oTissue Salt: It has been found that Tissue salt, as a short term treatment, can be very useful.
It is available in the form of tablets and made from kali phos, nat mur, nat sulph and calc phos.
All these ingredients are responsible for discarding the bad feelings like despair and sadness.
oHomeopathy: In Homeopathy the remedies that have been most effective against depression involve aurum, ignatia, septa and pusatilla.