The Best Method To Organize Your Kitchen
The first part of the best method is to figure out a plan for your kitchen. Create a drawing of your kitchen. Map out each cupboard and drawer. Then look at that drawing and think about how it would make the most sense to organize your kitchen. Think about things like where your towels, potholders, utensils, plates, cookie sheets should go.
What makes the most sense? Things like potholders should be next to the stove. Things like silverware and plates should be in the same general area so that you can get out plates and silverware for dinner without having to cross the kitchen three times. Think about what items you use together.
The second part of the best method to organize your kitchen is creating a schedule. If you want to keep your kitchen looking neat, clean and organized, you are going to need a schedule. Part of this schedule should include cooking, doing dishes, and paper clean-up. Do you want papers removed from the kitchen at the end of every day? Do you want to daily rotate who does the cooking and the dishes or do you want a weekly rotation? Figure out what works best for you and your family and make sure the schedule is where everyone can see it.