Mma Fitness & Training
The 3 Phase Systematic Workout for Premier Health and Fitness in just 90 Days! A systematic workout built on the revolutionary ESP-XC Platform that is proven to provide you with the results that you deserve.
Endurance Phase
The Endurance Phase of the ESP-XC workout is where you build your base. The purpose of this phase is to increase stability throughout your trunk, increase muscular endurance and improve neuromuscular efficiency of the core muscles. In order to progress properly to the strength and power phases, you need to prepare your neuro-muscular system for the intense training to come. If your endurance capabilities are not enhanced, it will affect the level of strength and power achieved. The endurance phase is set up to do every exercise for time (1-2 minutes). Think about it. How many programs out there do this for their resistance training? None, last I checked.
Strength Phase
During the Strength Phase of this systematic workout, we are focusing on increasing overall strength throughout the body. Especially, enhancing the body's ability to stabilize the pelvis and spine under heavier lifting loads, through a greater range of motion. This phase also taxes the ATP(Adenosine Triphosphate) and CP(Creatine Phosphate) and glycolytic systems to induce cellular changes consistent with increased muscle size (hypertrophy). By using the concept of time under tension, we focus on tempo while lifting in order to increase proper muscle recruitment and technique, while decreasing risk of injury. Tempo refers to taking 3 seconds to lower the weight, 2 seconds holding at the midpoint and a 1-2 second lift. If you can keep that tempo with proper form, your strength will go through the roof (again, who lifts like this? Very few). Lifting extremely heavy only increases compensation patterns and injury.
Power Phase
The Power Phase or the third level of training is designed to increase rate of force production (or speed of muscle contraction). This form of training uses the adaptations of endurance and strength acquired from the first two training phases and applies them with more realistic speeds and forces that the body will encounter in your sport. Power = Force x Velocity. Here in the third phase we are focusing on the Velocity side of the equation. Increased force production (i.e.: lifting real heavy) = increased power. On the other hand, increased velocity (i.e.: lifting lighter loads faster) = increased power. So you see, there are two ways to power train. From my experience, the latter is most effective for the overall athlete (mma fighter, wrestler, soccer player etc).
Scientifically Designed Nutrition Plan for Peak Performance
ARE YOU READY??? This is not the same old diet plan! This is a STATE-OF-THE-ART RESEARCH-BASED, CHANGE YOUR LIFE NUTRITION PLAN!!!!! Every fighter dreams of reaching an optimal performance level which will lead to better performance in the octagon. The objective of the Nutrition Plan is to allow fighters to achieve their fitness goals without sacrificing their well-being and health. Many foods will help you grow bigger and stronger but not all foods will do that AND prevent disease by building a stronger immune system and metabolism which in turn will increase your energy level. What we recommend analyzes dietary needs on the molecular level and it has proven to work.
XC or 90 days of exercising is all that you need to complete this 3 Phase systematic workout. The ESP-XC workout and the nutrition manual were scientifically designed to stimulate weight loss and then build muscle while reducing the risk of injury. Plus, with minimal equipment needed to complete the workout anyone can achieve maximal fitness from the convenience of their home, apartment, basement, office or wherever desired. Follow this workout exactly as designed and your physical fitness will achieve heights you never thought were possible. Remember, train smarter and harder! So what are you waiting for? GET SHREDDED!
Endurance Phase
The Endurance Phase of the ESP-XC workout is where you build your base. The purpose of this phase is to increase stability throughout your trunk, increase muscular endurance and improve neuromuscular efficiency of the core muscles. In order to progress properly to the strength and power phases, you need to prepare your neuro-muscular system for the intense training to come. If your endurance capabilities are not enhanced, it will affect the level of strength and power achieved. The endurance phase is set up to do every exercise for time (1-2 minutes). Think about it. How many programs out there do this for their resistance training? None, last I checked.
Strength Phase
During the Strength Phase of this systematic workout, we are focusing on increasing overall strength throughout the body. Especially, enhancing the body's ability to stabilize the pelvis and spine under heavier lifting loads, through a greater range of motion. This phase also taxes the ATP(Adenosine Triphosphate) and CP(Creatine Phosphate) and glycolytic systems to induce cellular changes consistent with increased muscle size (hypertrophy). By using the concept of time under tension, we focus on tempo while lifting in order to increase proper muscle recruitment and technique, while decreasing risk of injury. Tempo refers to taking 3 seconds to lower the weight, 2 seconds holding at the midpoint and a 1-2 second lift. If you can keep that tempo with proper form, your strength will go through the roof (again, who lifts like this? Very few). Lifting extremely heavy only increases compensation patterns and injury.
Power Phase
The Power Phase or the third level of training is designed to increase rate of force production (or speed of muscle contraction). This form of training uses the adaptations of endurance and strength acquired from the first two training phases and applies them with more realistic speeds and forces that the body will encounter in your sport. Power = Force x Velocity. Here in the third phase we are focusing on the Velocity side of the equation. Increased force production (i.e.: lifting real heavy) = increased power. On the other hand, increased velocity (i.e.: lifting lighter loads faster) = increased power. So you see, there are two ways to power train. From my experience, the latter is most effective for the overall athlete (mma fighter, wrestler, soccer player etc).
Scientifically Designed Nutrition Plan for Peak Performance
ARE YOU READY??? This is not the same old diet plan! This is a STATE-OF-THE-ART RESEARCH-BASED, CHANGE YOUR LIFE NUTRITION PLAN!!!!! Every fighter dreams of reaching an optimal performance level which will lead to better performance in the octagon. The objective of the Nutrition Plan is to allow fighters to achieve their fitness goals without sacrificing their well-being and health. Many foods will help you grow bigger and stronger but not all foods will do that AND prevent disease by building a stronger immune system and metabolism which in turn will increase your energy level. What we recommend analyzes dietary needs on the molecular level and it has proven to work.
XC or 90 days of exercising is all that you need to complete this 3 Phase systematic workout. The ESP-XC workout and the nutrition manual were scientifically designed to stimulate weight loss and then build muscle while reducing the risk of injury. Plus, with minimal equipment needed to complete the workout anyone can achieve maximal fitness from the convenience of their home, apartment, basement, office or wherever desired. Follow this workout exactly as designed and your physical fitness will achieve heights you never thought were possible. Remember, train smarter and harder! So what are you waiting for? GET SHREDDED!