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If you are truly serious about creating a business on the web and want to do something different, then check this out and the rest in this article. Being a site usability expert is a great choice though it does entail you to always be doing research, always be learning and to stay on top of things. The word usability is just a buzz word for "user friendly" which is something that you know every website needs to be. So learn as much as you possibly can and then build your own website... a content site works best for this purpose. You can build an email list and reach out to small and medium size businesses. What you may want to do is offer a low cost intro product with the idea of providing consulting services to other businesses.
Testing in marketing and advertising is the foundation for real success on the net. But most IMers (and large businesses) skip this step because they don't have a clue as to how to do it. For this, you are going to be a split testing expert which means you need to learn quite a lot about copywriting. The entire idea behind split testing is to raise your conversion rate. In this situation you are going to offer a "conversion rate consulting service" and teach businesses how to increase their conversion rates. You can combine this kind of consulting with the other kinds of consulting you want to do, like site usability consulting.
If you have been wanting to get involved with highly competitive niches, then that is something you can do pretty easily. What you need to do is to use a lateral approach instead of a head first approach. Pick the niche you want to pursue, and then do research so you can find good sub-niches, or, areas where you can provide content. Then you put it together or make an ebook or series of videos about that content or about the sub-niches and then market them. What you are doing here is coming at the same material and the same audience but in a new and innovative way.
You probably picked up on the mentions of learning new information or skills that you might not already know or have. Don't let yourself get discouraged here because none of the things we've talked about in this article are all that hard to figure out. All you need to do is get a plan, make your goals, and then apply yourself - you can do all of that.