How to Control Pest Disease
- 1). Prevent pest diseases by taking extra care of your plants and paying close attention to them. Add organic matter to your garden yearly to improve nutrient levels and soil structure.
- 2). Clean up your garden after harvest by removing old vines, plants, and debris. Pests eat on leftover garden debris over the winter and can live in the soil all year long.
- 3). Remove the infested plants and put debris in a compost pile. Cultivate the soil with a shovel to expose any remaining eggs, larvae, or pupae to birds and cold temperatures.
- 4). Rotate your vegetable crops to avoid growing the same plant in the same place. Crop rotation cuts down pest disease drastically by keeping soil nutrients in balance.
- 5). Wash your hands before and after working with your plants, to prevent spreading diseases by your shoes, hands, and clothes. Clean out your gardening tool, pots, and flats before reusing them to avoid spreading diseases.
- 6). Use nontoxic sprays or other lest-toxic remedies. If a severe outbreak occurs and threatens a planting, turn to nontoxic or least toxic controls. Some controls for plant pests can be made with household items and foods such as garlic, chiles, and vegetable oil (see Resources).