Tarot Explained
Rid?r Waite
T?r?t of the Renaissance
T?r?t ?f th? S?int? Deck
T?r?t of th? 78 Doors
Tarot ?f the Spirit Deck
T?r?t ?f th? S?irit W?rld
T?r?t ?f th? III Millennium
T?r?t ?f th? Th?u??nd ?nd One Night?
T?r?t ?f th? Tr?n??
Tarot of the Wit?h??
Tarot of Whit? Cats
Tarots of th? S??hir?th
Tattooed T?r?t
T?m?l?r Tarot
Th? 56 ??rd? in the min?r ?r??n? ?r? divided into f?ur suits: wands (symbolizing ??ti?n); ?u?? (?m?ti?n?); ?w?rd? (int?ll??t); ?nd pentacles (th? material ?nd ??rthl? ). Th? 22 ??rd? ?f th? "m?j?r ?r??n?" depict ?r?h?t???? ?nd ?l?m?nt?l f?r???. Th? Rider W?it? deck is ?ft?n th? ?r?ff?r?d ?h?i?? by many beginners in m?n? countries f?r ?xtr?m? pictorial ???? with which t? learn initially.
It is believed that th? Tarot enables a ??r??n t? d?lv? int? their ?ub??n??i?u? ?nd ??nn??t with th? univ?r?? in ?u?h a way- th?t th?? ?n?bl? us to know ?f th? past, present ?nd futur? ?f things. A form of univ?r??l consciousness is th?ught t? be in existence by ??m? C?rl Jung. w?? ?u?h a b?li?v?r in thi? v?r? concept. T? l??rn, ?n? must begin by ?h???ing a d??k (??? th? ?xt?n?iv? list ?b?v?) ?nd b? fir?t l??rning the br??d m??ning? ?f ???h ??rd. Fr?m there ??u ??n b?gin to l??rn Tarot spreads (? w?? ?nd ??tt?rn of laying out gr?u?? ?f cards) ?nd ?r??ti?? connecting th? d?t? ?? it were and l??rning to int?r?r?t the ??rd gr?u? m??ning? ?nd th? answers th?t they provide. Aft?r mu?h ?r??ti?? (l??? if there i? already ?n ?bvi?u? psychic ?bilit? ?r???nt) ???n m??t ????l? report th?t th?? almost intuitiv?l? ?t??' r??ding th? cards b? wr?t? ?nd b?gin t? u?? th?m m?r?l? as a t??l ?nd find that th?? some h?w ju?t b?gin to 'kn?w' or 'r???iv?' inf?rm?ti?n ?nd ?n?w?r? th?t th?? seek. Some ????l? d? not u?? T?r?t ??rd?, preferring t? ??rf?rm a T?r?t t??? reading with th? u?? ?f ?rdin?r? ?l??ing ??rd? in?t??d, th?t m?? be ?t h?nd.
A? a beginner th? Tarot ??n b? ?h?ll?nging ?nd ?nt?rt?ining. At a high?r l?v?l they can help t? unl???h your inn?t? ????hi? ability. At th? high??t l?v?l of use, th?? ?r? merely u??d ?? a m??n? for a ????hi? t? ?n?bl? them t? tun? in ?xtr?m?l? f??t ?n a ????hi? level to obtain a ????hi? link for ?nd with th? ??r??n th?t they ?r? r??ding f?r b? f??t ??????ing th?ir own ????hi? ?bilit?. It i? ??id that you ?h?uld n?v?r tr? to ??rf?rm ??ur ?wn T?r?t r??ding ?? th? process will not work f?r ??r??n?l gain ?nd in?it? ?l?n?.
tirada tarot gratis