Be Above Reproach, One Wife, Respectable, Not Drunk, Not A Lover Of Money, Gentle, Not Violent
Sometimes when she hits the sauce, she really likes to rock, just cover your ears, your headache will soon go away, and don't mind the customers because they will soon learn to adjust, it is better to run a business with a staff of henpecked men instead of a team of snarly little girls So if you only have the courage to begin to change your stodgy ways you will see that I am right and things will quickly turn around because who needs the same old, dull, uninspiring, monotonous thing Let a little color into your life, throw away some of that staid old gray, eventually your customers will begin to appreciate it when they come round here for their bitter, their pint or their nightly ginger beer Rome wasn't made in a day we know, but let some of it begin to creep into your life And you know that it will be good for security, the next time someone gets out of hand, you can call the boss, it will be like rock'em, sock'em robots The bad boys will learn their lesson and you will never hear a peep out of them again So c'mon now, it is time to make a change, everything will be for good fun, when was the last time that you had a serious laugh or had extra money just to fool around.