Pregnancy Delivery Guide
The most challenging aspect of any pregnancy however, is the actual delivery.
In most cases, modern science has helped to make this a smooth process.
However, the nature of life is such that things do not always happen according to plan.
Even though gynaecologists have become very good at accurately assessing the exact date when the child will be delivered, there is no fail-safe method of guaranteeing the exact time and date.
As such, learning the process that needs to be implemented in case of any such eventuality is the key to ensuring that your child's delivery goes off without a hitch.
Contrary to popular belief, there are very few things that you cannot do yourself when it comes to delivering your baby.
This means that you can educate and train yourself to give birth to your baby in almost any possible setting and scenario.
Doing all of this training and preparation will take a great load off your shoulders as you will not have to think about all of the potential 'what-if's' that are generally associated with a pregnancy and specifically, the deliver process.
The Australian Pregnant Book.
has been written by Dr.
Derrick Thompson.
Thompson is one of the most experienced gynaecologists in Australia and has delivered thousands of babies during his long career.
Thompson has created this wonderful resource for all potential mothers.
What separates this book from the myriad of other literature available is that Dr.
Thompson has specifically focused on Australia-centric issues, thereby creating the first pregnancy resource that deals primarily with the needs of Australian mothers.