Salaries for Nurse Practitioners in Toledo, OH
- The median annual income for a Toledo, Ohio-based nurse practitioner was $87,218 as of May 2011, according to the Salary website. The top 10 percent of Toledo, Ohio-based nurse practitioners earned annual salaries in excess of $99,954 while the bottom 10 percent earned wages of less than $75,126 per year. The middle 50 percent of Toledo, Ohio-based nurse practitioners earned between $80,889 and $93,885 per year.
- Emergency room nurse practitioners typically work with doctors to access and treat patients in hospital emergency room settings. The median annual income for a Toledo, Ohio-based emergency room nurse practitioner was $90,850 as of May 2011, according to the Salary website. The top 10 percent of Toledo, Ohio-based emergency room nurse practitioners earned annual salaries in excess of $105,371 while the bottom 10 percent earned wages of less than $74,436 per year. The middle 50 percent of Toledo, Ohio-based emergency room nurse practitioners earned between $82,259 and $98,451 per year.
- Neonatal nurse practitioners provide advanced nursing care to infants during their first 28 days of life. They frequently provide expertise to neonatal intensive care units. The median annual income for a Toledo, Ohio-based neonatal nurse practitioner was $97,805 as of May 2011, according to the Salary website. The top 10 percent of Toledo, Ohio-based neonatal nurse practitioners earned annual salaries in excess of $114,671 while the bottom 10 percent earned wages of less than $82,727 per year. The middle 50 percent of Toledo, Ohio-based neonatal nurse practitioners earned between $89,912 and $106,633 per year.
- Nursing home nurse practitioners provide health care services to nursing home patients either in conjunction with a physician or autonomously. The median annual income for a Toledo, Ohio-based nursing home nurse practitioner was $70,895 as of May 2011, according to the Salary website. The top 10 percent of Toledo, Ohio-based nursing home nurse practitioners earned annual salaries in excess of $76,969 while the bottom 10 percent earned wages of less than $62,802 per year. The middle 50 percent of Toledo, Ohio-based nursing home nurse practitioners earned between $66,658 and $74,074 per year.