The Olympic Mindset
In the winning "games" you can see not just peek performances but the winning mindset of these athletes. The qualities they possess and the approach they take make them winners in life as well as their areas of accomplishment and performing: Gymnastics, swimming, highdiving, running, playing volleyball or crew.....
There are few careers more demanding than being an Olympic athlete.Being an actor who succeeds over incredible odds to star in major films and TV series might be one of them. How do you compare to an Olympic Gold Medal Winner? Do you have a Winning Mindset?
What qualities do these athletes have that make them Winners? What IS the OLYMPIC MINDSET?
1. They love what they do. No complaints ever. You can see the joy in every moment they are competing.They didn't enter the race for the sake of the medal...they entered because they love to compete and do the best they can with their unique talent. They're having fun!
2.The have a strong belief in themselves. Confident that they could get to the podium, they talk about their skill and desire to win very naturally, "I am going to do this- it'll work out!"
3. They have focus and the ability to follow through.Even if it takes years of practice, set-backs, and injuries they never lose sight of their goal. It may take years with one set-back but they're back four years later!
4. They do visualizations. Most Olympians talk about how they visualized themselves being exactly where they are...and those visualizations started when they were very young. They KNEW exactly what they wanted to do and could see it clearly.
5. They have incredible discipline and willpower.No matter what the weather, the season or their physical condition they persist in a strict and consistent schedule of training both physically and mentally. No excuses!
6. They are creative and unique. They have the courage to do things their way.They break records because they are in tune with their own bodies and spirit, "This is how I do this...and it works for me!"
7. They are Humble and Sincere. Olympians are not complicated as people. Life is about achieving their goal and not allowing anything -no matter how trivial- to get in their way; habits, diet, finances, relationships. Everything is put in perspective for the higher goal. You don't frequently see "ego trips" or "trauma dramas" because there simply isn't time in their life for such things. Most importantly they "SHOW UP". It isn't about the medals - it's about the experience, the DOING not the becoming, the having or the owning. Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic games famously said that -The most important thing in the Olympics is not winning but participating.
The same is true for the performing arts. It's about showing up and connecting with other "players"/competitors with a generosity of spirit. In the end, for all Winners, it's about connection....connection with your own spirit, joy and skill and connection with other human beings on a similar path.