Providing proper training to your maintenance staff can be beneficial to everyone.
On- The-Job Training
Your best employee may not have ever stepped foot inside of a college but he can fix any type of air conditioner you have. He wasn't born with that knowledge he learned it. On-the-job training allows someone to work with their hands to learn how to do something. You can provide this type of training to your employees so they can have the knowledge they need to provide the best service possible for your tenants. The best reason for training your staff yourself is that you can teach them the way that you want things done specifically.
Training in a Particular Field
To train someone in heating and cooling you will need to send them away for training. This may be a big cost to you at first but in the long run, you will have a heating and cooling man who can work on all you air conditioners, furnaces, and refrigerators. This will save you a great deal of money because you don't have to call in a third party to handle things.
Maintenance Training
You can't walk out of high school and automatically know how to be a maintenance serviceman. Maintenance training is important to your tenants because when something is broke, needs repaired or no longer works the maintenance team can get right on it. It benefits you because with proper training there will be less on-the-job injuries to deal with. If you have a maintenance man who has worked with you for several years now and you are satisfied with the way they do their job, promote them to supervisor and have them train all the new employees that you hire.
Safety Training
You can't assume that everyone knows not to do something because they might get hurt. That is why we have safety training. You want your staff to prevent accidents so send them to safety training to learn what may cause accidents and what they need to do to avoid them. Safety is extremely important for maintaining your reputation as well as your tenant's dedication at renewal time.
Anytime you can get more education you are only making things better for you and all involved. Your staff depends on you for their jobs don't let them down by failing to provide the proper training. Give your staff the training they need in the field they are in.