Food For The Birds - Attracting Wildlife To The Garden
The main factors to take into account are plants to provide food, trees and shrubs for food, shelter and nest sites, provision of water and of course how to arrange these things so that you can actually see and enjoy the birds visiting your garden from your window. Even a small patio garden in an urban area can be made suitable for birds, the only requirements being a few bushy shrubs for nesting and cover and a hanging feeder. Even if there is no space for shrubs nesting can still be encouraged by putting nest boxes on walls as long as there are some neighbouring gardens or areas with trees and shrubs to provide food for the young. Access to water is often difficult for town birds. The provision of a simple bird bath or even a shallow plastic container placed in an open area is a great help to them.
A Few Basic Rules
When planning a garden to attract birds, be it a new or an existing garden, there are a few basic rules to follow. Firstly look at the area around the garden and consider which birds are likely to come and what conditions they would like. Always bear in mind the line of sight from the windows of the house so that you can actually see the birds that visit. Then, depending on space, incorporate some, or all, of the following features.
A pergola for climbing plants which will provide nest sites and food. The scented flowers of the honeysuckle attract many insects and the berries are eaten by the birds. It will provide good cover for nesting if pruned well. The guelder rose produces large red hips as well as the attractive flowers. The hips attract the birds and the flowers insects -another source of food for the birds.
Natural Food Sources
Compost heaps attract a variety of insects and are a natural food source for birds. Hedges which bear fruit, such as pyracantha or cotoneaster, have a dual purpose providing nesting sites and a food source from the berries in the winter months. Several garden varieties of hawthorn make an excellent hedge for birds to nest in and the red berries are a favourite of fieldfares, blackbirds and redwings.
Tall trees and shrubs provide birds with song-posts, roost sites and food either directly through their seeds, nuts or fruits or indirectly through the insects they attract. Even dead wood on a tree can provide insect food and potential nest-holes for several species. The oak is host to more species of insect than any other tree supplying food for many bird species. Pigeons and jays feed on the acorns. The beech will attract many types of finch together with tits, nuthatches and woodpeckers. For smaller gardens many of the ornamental trees produce fruits which are attractive to birds. Cherry trees and crab apples encourage thrushes and hawfinches and the fruits of the mountain ash are an attractive food source to blackbirds as well as thrushes.
Good All Round Plants
A garden design that is rich in flowering plants is also one that is rich in insects which in turn will attract a good many birds. Good all round plants for birds include forgetmenots, cornflowers, cosmos asters, scabious and ornamental grasses. Sunflowers are a must in any bird garden, not only for their seeds but also for the many insects they attract. And finally the traditional lawn is very good for birds especially if you allow the odd weed to thrive such as clover, buttercup or cranesbill. Blackbirds, thrushes, robins, wagtails, sparrows and starlings as well as many others find a rich supply of invertebrate food on lawns.
Providing a container of water and some manufactured bird food will start attracting birds into your garden and in the spring and summer you can add some plants and shrubs to encourage more birds and also to provide a source of food for the winter. You can then sit back and enjoy the life it brings to your garden. Happy bird watching!