Lesbian "Existential Emptiness"
Retiring 72 year old Democrat Congressman Barney Frank who proudly showed off his man boobs on the floor of the House of Representatives and recently €married€ his long-term 42 year old €partner,€ Jim Ready, consistently won the trifecta prize of being concurrently amusing, shocking, and pathetic.
Capturing the shock award, Maurice Sendak, acclaimed author of the childrens' favorite Where the Wild Things Are, may have thought he was making peace with his Maker, if he believed in a Maker, when he confessed in one of his last interviews that he fantasized about murdering George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, their wives, and everyone around them.
Male homosexuals clearly have the corner on gay amusement and revulsion but lesbians are almost always the pathos winners.
Country singer Chely Wright could be an exception to that general rule since she firmly believes Jesus Christ condones her €Christian lesbianism€ because He hasn't struck her dead. Then, again, Christ didn't strike Adolph Hitler dead and hasn't struck Perez or Paris Hilton dead, either.
The perfect exemplar of gay pathos is MSNBC's chief resident lesbian, Rachel Maddow.
By her own admission, MSNBC's extreme leftist, atheistic, lesbian Maddow isn't a happy camper, not an unusual state of mind for extreme leftist, atheistic lesbians. As Maddow confessed to Rolling Stone last month, she has long suffered from a €cyclical depression,€ from an €existential emptiness€ that often causes her to lose focus resulting in repetitive failure.
As she put it, €I see my job as making a TV show. I fail at it - constantly.€
Anyone who has witnessed the anti-American, anti-morality, anti-everything-conservative venom Maddow spews on €The Rachel Maddow Show€ would heartily concur on her failure. The pity is that the poor thing hasn't the slightest clue as to the cause of her depressed, unfocused emptiness, a mental condition and an ignorance Maddow no doubt shares with untold numbers of outed and closeted lesbians.
Cut through Rachel Maddow's €existential€ baloney and there is nothing left for her to hang her life on.
By definition, €existentialists€ are essentially self-centered individuals, rejecting reasoning and positive thoughts, wallowing in a desperate angst of their own making, a definition that can easily be applied to liberals as a group.
Maddow evidently despises her country, has contempt for the values and principles that made it great and, most of all, is hateful of her abnormal sexuality, all of which are sure-fire ingredients to create a sense of €emptiness.€ Gays like Maddow fail to recognize that their grossly negative political philosophy compounds their confusion over their chosen lifestyle which naturally would lead to depression and lack of focus.
Nevertheless, I feel sorry for Rachel since she can at least admit to being deranged.
I feel less empathy for women such as disturbed comedienne Sarah Silverman who graciously offered €to don a bikini and have traditional lesbian intercourse with [78 year old Romney supporter Sheldon] Adelson€ if he gave $100 million to Obama's presidential campaign. She provided a graphic video demonstration of what she would do, using her dog as a prop.
I don't quite grasp, and don't want to grasp, how a lesbian encounter with an aged, straight Republican is even possible or how it could influence him in any way. Now, an offer to set up a liaison with George Soros might be productive - if it doesn't cause Soros to have a fatal cardiac infarction.
On second thought, that would be a blessing as would the idea that the lesbian community, Cheryl Wright, Rachel Maddow, et al. come to realize they are freaks of nature. God doesn't make mistakes but He does have a wicked sense of humor.
(See all sources at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26719.)