Pleasure of More Income
A man with no or low income has a different ‘face ‘, poverty is written on his face in form of million stories of grief. Deserted eyes, sucked in cheeks, disordered hair, dry, lifeless lips, dirty wrinkled dress and unpolished mud smeared shoes tell the story.
Poor man has no friends and probably exactly knows the meaning of friendship. The word ‘friend' becomes alien to him if not hated thing. His poverty is his big enemy and biggest enemy to all the pleasures of life. A poor relation is not welcomed as guest to the affluent relations. They would avoid him in coming across lest he should ask for money. That is the situation where one's own shadow runs away from him. The real worth of friendship and humanity is known in true sense.
Income means sufficient resources to meet basic needs, some comforts of life and to afford some pleasures of life. Meeting people, attending social gatherings of friends and relations, calling on them and inviting them to your home for a dinner or a party look nice. It all happens when income is sufficient and one is not burdened under worries to meet the expenses.
A man with good income can afford giving parties or dinners to his relations and people in social contact. They are all pleased to meet him, happy to see him and enjoy visiting him, cherish his company, love to make phone calls and always to talk about him. Good incomes gives freedom of lifestyle and mental peace and one does not have to beg or borrow from others. You walk upright unworried and unburdened.
The great difference between above two conditions is money or sufficient income. Wealth is a big screen between the poor and the rich, normal and subnormal, humanity and inhumane, man and animal and good and bad heart.
Wealth or good income is a source of satisfaction, happy life and freedom of action. It saves us from despair, insults and social severing from the rich.
Money or the wealth may not be the remedy for every problem of life. It cannot buy the good luck or good health. Simultaneously, we cannot deny that good income and reasonable source of earning are really the source of pleasure and happy life.