How to Cook With a Gas Fireplace
- 1). Light the gas fireplace. If the fire also uses wood for fuel, ensure that the fireplace is well-stocked with dry wood.
- 2). Select the food you will cook. Place it in the pot and close the container. It is crucial to close the container, as harmful fumes could potentially get into the food otherwise.
- 3). Once the fire has started, set the pot on top of logs in order to heat the food. Let the food sit until it is fully cooked. Food cooked on the fireplace needs to be cooked for a longer period of time than food cooked directly on a stovetop.
- 4). Remove the pot from the fire. Check to see if it is fully cooked. If not, set the pot back into the fire and continue to cook it until it is finished.
- 5). Once the food is fully cooked, turn the fire off. Do not leave the fireplace unattended without a screen covering it.