Break the Wrists Late
Since the beginning of golfing time,almost,we have been admonished to break the wrists late on the back swing.
This enables us to take the club back low to the ground and get a big arc.
There is no denying the fact that thousands of great golfers have done exactly this.
We do say, however,that it is not at all necessary and, further that it does more harm than good.
There is no particular value in taking the club back low to the ground,except that it helps transfer the weight to the right leg.
It isn't necessary for the transfer, though.
so far as getting a big arc is concerned, that is strictly a fallacy.
The length of the left arm determines the arc of the swing- the longer the arm the bigger the arc.
The arc the club head follows is something else and something that is mistakenly regarded as important.
Why should it be? The arc of the club head is decidedly smaller on the down swing than it is on a conventional backswing.
We don't try for a big arc on the downswing: in fact, we try to have it as small as possible.
So what is the value of the big arc on the back-swing? You tell us.
The late wrist break also leads invariably to an open face at the top of the swing, which is something modern golfers have proved to be not only undesirable but dangerous.
Since the pros have been moving toward a square or even somewhat closed face at the top, they have been breaking earlier.
For the swing we will teach here, a late break is poison.
If you have one, prepare to get rid of it.