Eye Health Care: Eyes And Their Health Secrets
Just by looking at our eyes and assessing how they feel we can learn a lot, not only about the health of our eyes, but our overall health, too.
Medically trained professionals, however, are able to ascertain a great many health conditions from specific examination of different parts of the eye.
This is one reason why it is important to have regular eye checkups.
Blepharitis Blepharitis is a common disease of the eyelids.
Inflammation and soreness occurs because of dry eyes and so both the eye and the inner eyelids are not receiving the lubrication they require.
Though over the counter eye drops may be of help, a visit to the optician or doctor would be wise.
Bloodshot Eyes Small blood veins showing across the whites of the eye can be an indication of being in a draft/draught.
If the condition lasts for more than a week and includes pain or discharge in any way, then a doctor should be consulted as antibiotics may be required.
Bloodshot eyes may also be symptomatic of hypertension or diabetes, so check with your doctor or medical advisor if you have bloodshot eyes for more than a few days.
Bulging Although some people are born with eyes that tend to protrude more than the average, eyes that begin to bulge should be taken as a warning sign as the bulging may indicate thyroid problems or a tumour.
Bulging may occur in either or both eyes.
Cloudy Vision Cloudy vision is an indication of something being amiss with the lens of the eye.
Known as cataracts, this can be a sign of glaucoma and, left untreated, can even result in blindness.
The condition may be relieved by an operation.
Again, consult your optician or doctor if you suffer from cloudy vision.
Double vision Although humorously put down to an over indulgence of alcohol, double vision can be due to a variety of conditions including medication allergies.
It can also, much more seriously, be a sign of a brain tumour, cataract, nerve or thyroid issue.
Some people get double vision as a result of a stroke or glaucoma.
It is advisable to see your doctor or eye specialist as soon as possible if double vision is experienced.
Dry Eyes Sometimes the eyes do not produce enough tears.
When this happens, your eyes can feel really dry, sore and itchy.
Your doctor or optician will usually prescribe eye drops which will help alleviate the symptoms.
Above all, no matter how dry or itchy, resist the temptation to rub your eyes.
Floaters It is normal to be aware of small spots or cell like structures floating across the field of vision.
They are a normal part of the functioning of the eye due to protein particles.
Concerns are raised if there is a sudden increase in numbers which could indicate possible retinal detachment or tear.
If this is the case, visit your doctor or medical advisor promptly.
Iridology Iridology is a complementary practice of diagnosing illnesses or disease within the human body by the study of the iris.
Although not accepted by many scientists, practitioners claim that the results are sound and that they have proof of this.
They claim that iridologists can read the colours, texture, lines, marks and brightness of the iris to ascertain if particular bodily organs are functioning correctly as well as noting any inflammation.
This is based upon each part of the body having a corresponding section within the iris.
Styes (hordeolum) This irritating and often painful condition can be treated with creams or ointments.
If the stye does not respond to this treatment then other conditions, such as cancer of the eye lid, may have to be considered.
Once again, if you have a stye that persists, then it really is wise to visit your doctor or medical advisor.
Watering Watering of the eyes, also known as tearing, may be an indication that there is infection within the eye which requires medical attention or it can be a symptom of corneal problems.
Yellow tinged whites Whites of the eye (sclera) showing a yellowish tinge can be an indication that there is disease within the liver.
Jaundice (icterus) is a well known illness shown by yellowing whites and a sallow / yellowish tinge to the skin.
Hepatitis also shows by yellowing of the eyes.
If you have this yellowish tinge, visit your doctor as soon as possible.
By paying attention to what your eyes are trying to tell you, you can remain fit and healthy throughout your life's journey.
Medically trained professionals, however, are able to ascertain a great many health conditions from specific examination of different parts of the eye.
This is one reason why it is important to have regular eye checkups.
Blepharitis Blepharitis is a common disease of the eyelids.
Inflammation and soreness occurs because of dry eyes and so both the eye and the inner eyelids are not receiving the lubrication they require.
Though over the counter eye drops may be of help, a visit to the optician or doctor would be wise.
Bloodshot Eyes Small blood veins showing across the whites of the eye can be an indication of being in a draft/draught.
If the condition lasts for more than a week and includes pain or discharge in any way, then a doctor should be consulted as antibiotics may be required.
Bloodshot eyes may also be symptomatic of hypertension or diabetes, so check with your doctor or medical advisor if you have bloodshot eyes for more than a few days.
Bulging Although some people are born with eyes that tend to protrude more than the average, eyes that begin to bulge should be taken as a warning sign as the bulging may indicate thyroid problems or a tumour.
Bulging may occur in either or both eyes.
Cloudy Vision Cloudy vision is an indication of something being amiss with the lens of the eye.
Known as cataracts, this can be a sign of glaucoma and, left untreated, can even result in blindness.
The condition may be relieved by an operation.
Again, consult your optician or doctor if you suffer from cloudy vision.
Double vision Although humorously put down to an over indulgence of alcohol, double vision can be due to a variety of conditions including medication allergies.
It can also, much more seriously, be a sign of a brain tumour, cataract, nerve or thyroid issue.
Some people get double vision as a result of a stroke or glaucoma.
It is advisable to see your doctor or eye specialist as soon as possible if double vision is experienced.
Dry Eyes Sometimes the eyes do not produce enough tears.
When this happens, your eyes can feel really dry, sore and itchy.
Your doctor or optician will usually prescribe eye drops which will help alleviate the symptoms.
Above all, no matter how dry or itchy, resist the temptation to rub your eyes.
Floaters It is normal to be aware of small spots or cell like structures floating across the field of vision.
They are a normal part of the functioning of the eye due to protein particles.
Concerns are raised if there is a sudden increase in numbers which could indicate possible retinal detachment or tear.
If this is the case, visit your doctor or medical advisor promptly.
Iridology Iridology is a complementary practice of diagnosing illnesses or disease within the human body by the study of the iris.
Although not accepted by many scientists, practitioners claim that the results are sound and that they have proof of this.
They claim that iridologists can read the colours, texture, lines, marks and brightness of the iris to ascertain if particular bodily organs are functioning correctly as well as noting any inflammation.
This is based upon each part of the body having a corresponding section within the iris.
Styes (hordeolum) This irritating and often painful condition can be treated with creams or ointments.
If the stye does not respond to this treatment then other conditions, such as cancer of the eye lid, may have to be considered.
Once again, if you have a stye that persists, then it really is wise to visit your doctor or medical advisor.
Watering Watering of the eyes, also known as tearing, may be an indication that there is infection within the eye which requires medical attention or it can be a symptom of corneal problems.
Yellow tinged whites Whites of the eye (sclera) showing a yellowish tinge can be an indication that there is disease within the liver.
Jaundice (icterus) is a well known illness shown by yellowing whites and a sallow / yellowish tinge to the skin.
Hepatitis also shows by yellowing of the eyes.
If you have this yellowish tinge, visit your doctor as soon as possible.
By paying attention to what your eyes are trying to tell you, you can remain fit and healthy throughout your life's journey.