Suicide - Where do they go?

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Where do they go after Suicide?

    My friend committed suicide many years ago and I was amazed to hear what many people thought about the subject and how much fear and suffering this belief caused amongst families. My job as a psychic medium is to provide evidence of the life hereafter, but it is more than that. I am often, as other mediums are too, privy to information the non mediumistic person can't normally perceive. This information is about the reality of our lives here on earth and the interaction of spiritual forces within our lives.
    I have seen the other side and walked in the garden of the spirit just as many mediums have before. It is easier for me to deal with the process known as death because of the knowledge I and many of my contemporaries have. I have been asked often if I believe in the afterlife, and I often retort "Of course I don't believe in the afterlife, that's absurd." I smile enigmatically when I see the glee in their faces when they think they may have one over me. Then I exclaim, "I don't believe in it because belief suggests that it may not be real, I know its real, therefore I know its true." I know that's when the smile has been wiped from their faces.
    Now because I and many other mediums know this, I want to try to set the record straight on the fact of suicide. But before I do, I want to discuss the act of suicide and why it happens? The turmoil that one has to experience before they finally take their own life is tremendous, and I am not talking about an accidental passing. Many who take their own life feel there is nothing more to live for, even though they may have loved ones near by - sometimes you cant't see the woods for the trees and so there seems no other way out. Personally, I feel there are many reasons, but two are probably more fundamental than others. One problem is the financial status of the individual or indeed the financial pit they have fallen into, and the other is the lack of love within their lives or indeed the lack of forgiveness. Theirs is a type of grief, and although they may not see that loved ones are near them, they feel so alone and unloved.
    It is a sad fact that many often find they are In a financial pit with no way out and the inability to provide for themselves or their families often drives them to take the easy way out, which of course is death. Loneliness is another problem that often causes one to attempt suicide and this loneliness is just another facet of a loveless life. No one can really understand why or what it takes to push a human being over the edge and many who attempt suicide, or think they are doing it - are merely crying out for help. Obviously there are times when this cry for help can go wrong and the individual passes by accidental means. No matter what, we will never really understand the mind of someone who is suffering so bad they wish to end their lives thinking it is easier. I am not going to discuss the aspects of the spirit world here and will save that for my new book, but I do want to make a point so that you may feel a little comfort.
    I mentioned before that many individuals who have sat before me privately or in groups have had a deep rooted fear that the individual they love may not be in that place they call heaven or wherever else you believe exists. The turmoil and the anguish they put themselves through is tremendous and I can't help feeling that false doctrine is at the bottom of it all after all - doctrine is of man and not divine in any way. I have news for you; those who commit suicide are taken into the loving arms of spirit people in the spirit world who love and care for them until they reach their own awakening. Of course those that are left behind often do not understand this and the fear their loved one has gone to hell or a holding place can often cause great distress. You can be assured this does not happen, and if you can envision your loved one in the arms of a beautiful angel or your own loved ones who have passed over, you can rest peacefully knowing that your loved ones are safe and well.
    Ok, so now you are going to ask how we know this and I don't blame you. There is a plethora of information that has come from beyond the grave time and time again -not only in readings but in trance seances where the evidence has been irrefutable. Scientists that have been investigating the afterlife have so much intelligence at their fingertips that skepticism in pseudo form is no longer valid. However, probably the most satisfying evidence is the evidence, which one witnesses in a private sitting when the loved one comes back and tells how it is from the horses mouth - along with the evidence required for the sitter. Often our loved ones will return to try to allay the fears of those they left behind by little tell tale signs they are around. Much of the time, these signs are missed and often ignored because of the grief one may be experiencing or indeed because of other individuals perceptions.

They will often visit in your dream state just to let you now that all is well and sadly, the individual receiving the message will put this down to their grief and needing to feel they are alive. Other small signs such as hearing them calling you or manipulating energy in your environment are also often missed. If you could only know - not believe - what I know, you would take comfort in knowing that your loved ones are not in a terrible place if they took themselves over. They are in loving arms and will let you know they are well.
Now what you must know is that suicide is not the easy way out as one still has to work through things in the spirit world. This will be featured in a further article.
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