How To Write An English CV That Makes You No 1
This is because it looks as though these candidates haven't done any research.
Fortunately you can easily amend your existing English CV to meet British standards.
Simply keep reading to discover my top tips! The first thing you ought to do is create a personal profile section on your English CV.
Beneath the contact details this is the first thing employers will see so it's important.
To create a great personal profile start by stating your job title and years of experience.
Then outline two experiences that show you're qualified in that position.
Then state the setting in which you'd like to work.
The personal profile ought be no more than 5 or 6 lines.
This is because employers usually have countless CVs to read and don't have time for long paragraphs.
Hence you need to convey the important details in a short space.
Ensure too that the personal profile makes a really big impact.
If employers aren't impressed with this opening section they won't bother reading the rest.
Beneath the personal profile create a skills section.
This ought bullet point five or six abilities that make you invaluable to employers.
They ought be directly related to the position you're seeking too.
For example if you're seeking work as a teacher writing that you've retail experience is pointless.
Instead address the key points of the job you're looking for.
Include too any important qualifications or expertise in important programs.
For example a computer programmer ought list their PHP knowledge here and also in the education section.
Next you can include the experience and education sections already listed on your existing CVs.
The English CV is different though because you have to outline your experiences in some detail.
Tell employers what the company you've worked for sell and explain your responsibilities.
Employers want a sense of your history after all.
Finish up by creating a personal interests section.
This ought list hobbies you enjoy related to the role you're seeking.
If you don't have hobbies related to the position then list something productive.
It's better to say you organise tennis lessons than that you visit the cinema for example, because the tennis lessons make you look more hardworking.
Once you've done all this you're finished! Admire your new English CV and marvel as countless employers start contacting you.
Good luck!