Does Your First Kiss Warrant A Second Date? 8 Proven Kissing Tips That Work!
After surveying 1,000 undergraduate students at the University of Albany, researchers concluded kissing means more to women than it does to men.
A whopping 60% of women, and 35% of the men stated that a lame or unromantic first kiss was a deciding factor in whether or not they would continue the relationship.
There are reasons for the difference in value that men and women place on the first kiss.
Men were likely to say that the kiss was a means to a hook-up, while women used the kiss to determine a possible relationship.
A kiss gives us indications of sexual compatibility.
This makes that first kiss very important.
If you want to make sure your first kiss gets you a second date, use these eight proven kissing techniques and you'll have that special someone begging for more! #1 -- A great kiss lingers on your lover's lips, hovering a glimmer away and then going back for more.
It is not a quick peck.
-- Your lips should be firm, yet gentle.
#3 -- Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! Nobody wants their first kiss to be chapped and scratchy.
#4 -- Do not immediately invade with your tongue.
Remember the hovering?Save the tongue for the second part of your first kiss.
#5 -- A great kiss can be teasing and playful, conveying that you like your partner and that you are interested in them as a person, not just a sex object.
#6 -- If you feel a real connection with your partner, sucking on or lightly biting his or her lip briefly at the end of the kiss says "I want you!" #7 - Ladies, if you would like a great kiss goodnight, do not get carried away with the lip gloss or lipstick.
Most men do not look good in your color, nor do they want their lips to be shinny and smell like fruit.
#8 -- Guys, if you are not sporting a beard, make sure you shave well.
Stabbing her face with razor stubble will not make her want to come back for more.
So the next time you go for your first kiss (or your 100th!), try one or more of these kissing techniques and see if they don't leave the one your kissing begging for more.