Home Remedy for Jock Irritation
- When you have finished your work out, hit the showers immediately rather than sitting around in your sweaty clothes and be sure to launder all garments before putting them back on. Once you're in the shower, wash with an antibacterial soap, paying particular attention to any areas where perspiration seems to collect. After showering, dry your entire body. Briskly rub the towel across any danger zones several times to ensure all areas are thoroughly dry. Then toss the towel into the wash and grab your hair dryer. Using the lowest available setting, blow dry any areas of current skin irritation and then coat them with a layer of talcum powder. If powder is not your thing, consider purchasing an antifungal foot cream, such as Lotrimin, and applying it to the affected area at least once a day.
- Eating foods with lots of garlic or taking garlic capsules has been shown to help prevent the growth of fungus on the skin, so if jock irritation is a recurring problem for you, consider a slight change in diet. If you don't like eating garlic, take advantage of its natural antifungal properties by pressing a few cloves and applying the paste to infected areas of the skin. Alternatively, you can mix minced garlic with honey and spread it over skin irritations. The antifungals in the garlic work well with the antibacterial and antiseptic compounds which occur naturally in honey.
- Tea Tree Oil is one of those miracle compounds that seem to be good for everything skin related. Jock irritation and fungal infections are no exception. A natural fungicide, pure tea tree oil is non-toxic so it can be directly applied to any areas or irritation or it can be diluted with apple cider vinegar and dabbed on with a cotton ball. The oil should be applied at least twice a day for two weeks to ensure the infection has completely vanished.