Want Skin Beauty? Facial Massage Can Help!
It is important that whoever performs the massage knows exactly what they are doing otherwise it won't feel as nice and they may not be aware of the contra-indications that could prevent people from having facial massages.
Some reasons to avoid facial massage are:
Infections (cold sores, pustules etc)
Broken capillaries
Recent scar tissue
Swollen & painful areas (toothaches etc)
Medical conditions such as bell's palsy
The purpose of a facial massage it to improve circulation by breaking down toxins and assisting in their removal by stimulating blood circulation and the lymphatic system (this is a network of tubes between the organs and vessels that carry the fluid, lymph). Massage also brings blood to the skins surface and muscle fibres in the form of oxygen and proteins.
Many massage movements can either stimulate or calm nerve endings, this makes them more receptive to sensation and it will ease muscle tension and relax you. Any tense areas in the neck or shoulder will be eased leaving you with a sense of well-being and feeling fantastic after the experience. =) Gotta love that!
The steps in which a facial method are performed is;
1. Cleanse the face in the usual manner
2. Apply a light oil to the face and neck/throat area
3. Massage (be sure to tell your therapist at what pressure you a comfortable with, most generally know how firm to press but if you don't tell them they won't know and the experience will not be enjoyed)
4. Remove the oil with a luke warm face cloth
5. Finish with a gentle moisturizer
Some easily accessed oils that you could use personally with added benefits are:
Grapeseed Oil has emollient properties. It is a penetrating oil that is light ad suitable for all skin types.
Emu Oil can reduce scarring and rejuvenate skin cells. It is good for helping eczema and psoriasis, and it is good for all skin types. (it also great for pain, inflammation and arthritis, and when used with essential oils it enhances their properties)
Peanut Oil is an emollient and is food for all dry skin types.