Resources for Youth Leadership Training
- The Boy Scouts of America has an extensive resource guide on their website, which includes information on their National Youth Leadership Training program. The Boy Scouts of America's program consists of a six-day course that integrates outdoor activities and games with indoor classroom exercises. The goal of the organization is that when the six days are completed, those who have gone into the NYLTP will come out capable of leading scout troops of their own.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, commonly referred to as the Mormons, include resources on their website to allow adults to study how to prepare their own children for Youth Leadership Training courses. Their guides, geared towards young women, focus on how to set goals, conduct meetings and maintain their confidence in the face of adversity. Their website also includes a list of resources that were used to create the Youth Leadership Program that the Mormons use.
- Penn State University's College of Agricultural Sciences includes a Youth Leadership Development program that is intended to help teenagers and young adults learn the leadership skills that are needed for the 21st century. The Penn State Youth Leadership Course combines several published resources that can be found on their website. While you will have to look for yourself to find the books that are referenced, many of them are easily found.
- YouthLeadership.Org is an online resource for Youth Leadership Training programs. On their website they include much more than simple advice or overview of what Youth Leadership Training is, actually going so far as to provide a step-by-step rundown of how a typical Youth Training Program operates. They even go into some detail about what it takes to become certified for Youth Leadership Training programs. Like many of the other Youth Leadership Training programs in the United States, this one is based strongly on the teachings of the Bible.