How to Make Headstand Pushups Easier
- 1). Ensure you use perfect form while doing at least one set of 15 standard pushups before moving on to HSPUs. Good form means your hips do not sag toward the floor or hike upwards at any point throughout the set.
- 2). Get into a proper handstand position against a wall. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart and as close to the wall as possible. Tell your spotter, meaning the person watching your form, to place the pillow right under your head. The spotter should then grab a firm hold of both your ankles.
- 3). Bend your arms slowly so your body starts moving toward the ground. Your spotter will help you get back into the starting position by pulling your legs if you cannot push yourself back up. Make sure you picked a strong person to spot you and complete only one repetition. You have now done a negative repetition, which is an effective way to build strength.
- 4). Rest for two minutes and then do another negative repetition with the help of your spotter. Do as many repetitions as you can and practice stopping at different positions while lowering yourself. The rest and different positions will further help strengthen your shoulders.
- 5). Strengthen your shoulders by doing push-ups with your feet placed on a tall box. Doing so will make your handstand pushups easier. Start with a 2-foot tall box and do push-ups with this box every other day for two weeks. Then switch to a 2 1/2-foot tall box for the next two weeks. Keep adding to the height of the box until it is so steep you cannot balance yourself without the help of a spotter.