Healing Anxiety and Depression
Realistically not all cases of anxiety and depression can be healed.
Some will require years of medication and/or therapy but a smart comprehensive approach can go along way to healing both anxiety and depression.
But even the best laid plans can be turned upside down if certain lifestyle changes are not adopted.
In this informational article titled "Healing Anxiety and Depression" we will explore four cornerstones of successful treatment.
*Diet - Diet changes improve brain function, increase the effectiveness of medication, and play an important role is sustained energy levels.
Individuals who consume a high carbohydrate diet will continue to experience blood sugar and insulin level fluctuations that aggravate their moods, energy levels, and ability to sustain concentration.
The quick fix highs provided by nicotine and caffeine cause people to become ill-tempered and sometimes even more depressed or anxious.
These two addictive favorites decrease blood flow and deprive the brain of oxygen.
Citrus juices slow down the body's ability to process certain medications.
*Exercise - Exercise certainly is underutilized and overlooked anxiety and depression relieving activities.
Perhaps because it is free or maybe we had simply heard about its benefits too often.
Aerobic exercise boosts the body's immune system, improves oxygen delivery to the brain, and facilitates the release of mood improving endorphins; the neurotransmitters in the brain that promote a sense of well being.
*Environment - Environmental issues can and often do derail even the best laid treatment plans.
A challenging situation at home, work, or school can be the trigger that takes anxiety and/or depression to a new high.
You can have the right diagnosis, the right treatment plan, and the right doctor but if you have a chronically difficult marriage, have ridiculously poor parents or teachers, or have siblings who are abusive, treatment will seem ineffective and generally fail.
Put simply, the environment needs to support the treatment.
*Doctor patient relationship - In healing anxiety and depression there needs to be a lot of support and hand holding.
This is particularly true in the case of doctor patient relationship.
You should seek out professionals that make you feel comfortable and who are good communicators.
Conflicts and misunderstandings in doctor patient and patient therapist relationships lead to unsatisfactory outcomes most of the time.
In summary, in healing anxiety and depression you should adopt a treatment approach that includes smart diet choices, exercise, environmental adjustments, and the best doctor/therapist patient relationship you can find.
For most people with anxiety or depression healing can take place in remarkably positive ways when the four criteria above are met.
Additionally, many natural health minded individuals are choosing to add natural remedies for anxiety and depression to their treatment plan.
These formulas are very safe and are an option worth considering as an additional tool in your toolbox for unlocking your emotional and mental health.
Some will require years of medication and/or therapy but a smart comprehensive approach can go along way to healing both anxiety and depression.
But even the best laid plans can be turned upside down if certain lifestyle changes are not adopted.
In this informational article titled "Healing Anxiety and Depression" we will explore four cornerstones of successful treatment.
*Diet - Diet changes improve brain function, increase the effectiveness of medication, and play an important role is sustained energy levels.
Individuals who consume a high carbohydrate diet will continue to experience blood sugar and insulin level fluctuations that aggravate their moods, energy levels, and ability to sustain concentration.
The quick fix highs provided by nicotine and caffeine cause people to become ill-tempered and sometimes even more depressed or anxious.
These two addictive favorites decrease blood flow and deprive the brain of oxygen.
Citrus juices slow down the body's ability to process certain medications.
*Exercise - Exercise certainly is underutilized and overlooked anxiety and depression relieving activities.
Perhaps because it is free or maybe we had simply heard about its benefits too often.
Aerobic exercise boosts the body's immune system, improves oxygen delivery to the brain, and facilitates the release of mood improving endorphins; the neurotransmitters in the brain that promote a sense of well being.
*Environment - Environmental issues can and often do derail even the best laid treatment plans.
A challenging situation at home, work, or school can be the trigger that takes anxiety and/or depression to a new high.
You can have the right diagnosis, the right treatment plan, and the right doctor but if you have a chronically difficult marriage, have ridiculously poor parents or teachers, or have siblings who are abusive, treatment will seem ineffective and generally fail.
Put simply, the environment needs to support the treatment.
*Doctor patient relationship - In healing anxiety and depression there needs to be a lot of support and hand holding.
This is particularly true in the case of doctor patient relationship.
You should seek out professionals that make you feel comfortable and who are good communicators.
Conflicts and misunderstandings in doctor patient and patient therapist relationships lead to unsatisfactory outcomes most of the time.
In summary, in healing anxiety and depression you should adopt a treatment approach that includes smart diet choices, exercise, environmental adjustments, and the best doctor/therapist patient relationship you can find.
For most people with anxiety or depression healing can take place in remarkably positive ways when the four criteria above are met.
Additionally, many natural health minded individuals are choosing to add natural remedies for anxiety and depression to their treatment plan.
These formulas are very safe and are an option worth considering as an additional tool in your toolbox for unlocking your emotional and mental health.