Facts About Teenage Smoking
- There are many reasons why teens smoke. They want to be cool; they want to fit in; they want to rebel, to feel independent; their peers smoke; their parents smoke; and they have lower self esteem that makes them more susceptible to smoking.
- Smoking as a teen produces a chronic cough, phlegm production, an increase in respiratory illnesses and decreased lung function. Addiction to tabacco is most strongly rooted in teen smoking. Teens who had smoked at least 100 cigarettes said they would like to quit but couldn't.
- The lifetime cost of a woman who started smoking at 24 is estimated to be $84,000; a man who also began at 24 is $183,000. The total cost (for both the smoker and society) is $40 a pack.
- Over time, smoking greatly increases one's chances of getting heart disease and various types of cancer, including lung and esophageal. Emphysema and obstructive pulmonary disease are linked to smoking. Secondhand smoke puts others at risk.
- Be a good role model-don't smoke. Educate your teen about the dangers and negative consequences of smoking any form of tabacco. Tell them that smoking is not acceptable. Even if you smoke, share your story with them as this is a powerful message for them. Teach and practice refusal skills with them so they are comfortable saying, "No. I don't want smoke."