Are You Lowering Your Cholesterol Naturally?
Lowering your cholesterol naturally will save you from the side effects of harmful drugs. Cholesterol is a fatty substance that, in small quantities, is a vital part of your body. It is created in your body and is essential to every cell. However, a poor diet can lead to the body producing too much cholesterol which can be very dangerous and even fatal.
High cholesterol is dangerous because it increases your risk of strokes and heart disease. In fact, in 1 out of 3 cases, the first symptom of cardiovascular disease is death, and it is the number one cause of death in the USA.
You can lower your cholesterol naturally and have the added benefit of helping to improve your overall health and general well-being.
There are some cases where genetics play a factor in elevated cholesterol, but in most cases poor diet and lack of exercise are the main causes. The number one factor is a poor diet and too much saturated fat.
Saturated fat is found in junk food as well as animal-based foods, like eggs, red meat and dairy products. While some of these foods are okay to eat as part of a balanced diet, if too much saturated fat is consumed, cholesterol will become a severe problem.
Lowering your cholesterol naturally is possible with simple lifestyle changes that will make a huge difference to your health. One simple change to make is to use oils that are low in saturated fats. Olive Oil and Rapeseed oils contain unsaturated fats and are significantly better for you than animal fats.
Another simple but very effective change to make is to replace red meats with fish. Several types of fish contain a polyunsaturated fat named Omega 3. Many meat eaters are put off by suggestions such as tofu and will continue to eat red meats despite the negative effect on their cholesterol. Fish is not as much of a large jump from the normal diet of a meat eater so it is a far more suitable alternative. This can be an especially useful swap to make if you are the cook in the house and are worried about a loved one's diet. By making delicious fish dishes you can make a real change in your body.
Other great foods for cutting cholesterol are unsalted nuts and seeds, lots of fruit and vegetables, legumes and beans. Another small change that can have huge benefits is to make sure that all meals feature fresh vegetables and to replace sugary snacks with fruits such as strawberries and cherries which taste good and are very good for you.
Exercise is very important when reducing cholesterol naturally. You may find exercise difficult so the best idea is to start with light exercise and increase the intensity over time.
Before undertaking any radical changes in your diet or lifestyle it is a good idea to consult a doctor. He or she will be able to provide advice and support that is tailored to your situation. If you follow their advice and the advice mentioned above you should not have too many problems lowering your cholesterol naturally.
High cholesterol is dangerous because it increases your risk of strokes and heart disease. In fact, in 1 out of 3 cases, the first symptom of cardiovascular disease is death, and it is the number one cause of death in the USA.
You can lower your cholesterol naturally and have the added benefit of helping to improve your overall health and general well-being.
There are some cases where genetics play a factor in elevated cholesterol, but in most cases poor diet and lack of exercise are the main causes. The number one factor is a poor diet and too much saturated fat.
Saturated fat is found in junk food as well as animal-based foods, like eggs, red meat and dairy products. While some of these foods are okay to eat as part of a balanced diet, if too much saturated fat is consumed, cholesterol will become a severe problem.
Lowering your cholesterol naturally is possible with simple lifestyle changes that will make a huge difference to your health. One simple change to make is to use oils that are low in saturated fats. Olive Oil and Rapeseed oils contain unsaturated fats and are significantly better for you than animal fats.
Another simple but very effective change to make is to replace red meats with fish. Several types of fish contain a polyunsaturated fat named Omega 3. Many meat eaters are put off by suggestions such as tofu and will continue to eat red meats despite the negative effect on their cholesterol. Fish is not as much of a large jump from the normal diet of a meat eater so it is a far more suitable alternative. This can be an especially useful swap to make if you are the cook in the house and are worried about a loved one's diet. By making delicious fish dishes you can make a real change in your body.
Other great foods for cutting cholesterol are unsalted nuts and seeds, lots of fruit and vegetables, legumes and beans. Another small change that can have huge benefits is to make sure that all meals feature fresh vegetables and to replace sugary snacks with fruits such as strawberries and cherries which taste good and are very good for you.
Exercise is very important when reducing cholesterol naturally. You may find exercise difficult so the best idea is to start with light exercise and increase the intensity over time.
Before undertaking any radical changes in your diet or lifestyle it is a good idea to consult a doctor. He or she will be able to provide advice and support that is tailored to your situation. If you follow their advice and the advice mentioned above you should not have too many problems lowering your cholesterol naturally.