For Best Acne Treatment Use the Right Ingredient
In todayâs busy life, one needs to know what is best for them in terms of the food they eat and places they go. There are different kinds of ingredients that work very well for both men and women with acne. They can easily incorporate them in their daily cleansing routine and then they can get rid of acne and its related problems. Exfoliation is an important part of any daily cleansing routine; therefore, one needs a good exfoliating agent, which fights acne effectively.
Few of the acne ingredients are listed below:
Salicylic Acid: This particular acid is also known by the name of methyl salicylate. This helps in unclogging the pores, when used on daily basis. With its antimicrobial quality along with being an antiseptic, it helps the skin to shed the outer layer and thus, making it look cleaner and plain. As compared to other ingredients, it is less irritable for the skin, giving similar and quicker results.
Glycolic Acid: This is also a known exfoliation. It is used in less quantity initially and then the ratio can be increased gradually for frequent uses.
Benzoyl peroxide: This is an ingredient that helps to destroy bacteria which many a times stick on the skin or hair follicles on the skin on men and women skin, causing irritation and acne to grow. Initially, it should be used in small percentages.
Sulfacetamide: This has antibacterial qualities and thus, helps in controlling acne breakouts. The sulphur content is a bit on the higher side in this particular ingredient, hence it gives faster results as sulphur reinforces the effect of exfoliation of dead cells on the skin, helping the pores to get blocked or clogged.
Above mentioned ingredients are considered to be the best acne treatment [] available today and hence, they are being used increasingly in all acne treating products across the world.