Vital Accessories For Your Boat
Let us discuss some tips on which of these devices are really essential for your boat.
Marine electronics can increase the well-being, operation, and appeal of your boat.
Some boat accessories are mandated by law while some are just trends or items of luxury that are geared towards providing greater comfort.
If you are going to decide on a selection of these devices & accessories, it is a wise move to acquire the items that are most crucial to the watercraft's safety and correct function.
However, the equipment & supplies you choose will be dependent upon the kind of vessel that you own & the desired effects that you are aiming for.
The purpose that the boat is geared towards will have the upper hand in making your mind up.
For instance, the requirement of a sloop is different from those of a fishing boat or a powerboat.
So it is a good idea to make a list of all the extra accessories that you would need and rate them in terms of importance.
For the marine electronics you can group them into two lists based on their degree of importance.
In this way you have inkling on what the primary things are which should be acquired first and what the secondary ones are that can wait.
It would be a shame to get wedged in an unsuspecting situation like a calamity when you are unequipped.
Such a condition would worsen an already bad circumstance into a grave situation.
The following are vital necessities that should always be on hand in your boat.
Life jackets are mandated by the law as an essential gear to be worn by the crew; the same goes with a flotation device that can be thrown to someone that may fall overboard such as a lifesaver; a boat anchor and lines for mooring the boat away from the docks; a ladder that can be placed on the side for climbing into or out of the boat; a VHF radio for communication; paddles in case the engine is rendered useless; a ditch bag with first aid kit, Flares, EPIRB, drinking water, etc.
; a Global Positioning System or GPS to know your exact location in latitude & longitude; ropes for mooring on docks; navigation lights and strobes so that the boat can be seen through fogs; maintenance equipment to keep the cleanliness in the boat; and, last but not the least, bilge pumps for bailing the water out.