Why Tubal Reversal Is So Important
Others seek out the leading tubal reversal surgeons to help with Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome.
The fact is no matter why a couple seeks out tubal reversal it is an extremely important decision.
There are those couples who have to choose between reversal and IVF.
The understanding is that IVF works better and women get pregnant faster with this procedure.
Unfortunately, this is not always true.
With the release of the largest reversal study to date, The Tubal Reversal Pregnancy Report 2009, has actually proven it is just the opposite.
Reversal surgery actually has the better pregnancy success rate.
With research, couples are discovering many facts about reversal surgery that was not shared by their physicians.
Facts such as the better pregnancy rate, less expensive and less taxing on the woman's body are just a few examples.
Once couples begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together they wonder why they weren't told any of these facts.
There are couples that feel a bit betrayed that their medical provider never told them these things.
Many have to take into consideration that their medical provider was probably never trained in the success rates or the actual benefits of ligation reversal surgery.
For those who regret having their tubes tied there is a more natural way to become pregnant again.
Even those who would have considered IVF have to give up their dream due to the cost.
With the ligation reversal being performed as a low-cost outpatient surgery, couples are able to afford it.
And once the surgery is completed the couple has a chance of pregnancy each cycle.
As long as the woman is ovulating and having her periods she is considered fertile.
The male partner can always have a sperm analysis to make sure things are all set.
Time and again we will hear some women say that they regret the day they had their tubes tied.
Then we may hear that they wish they had the money for IVF treatments.
The next time you hear a woman say these things ask if she has ever heard of ligation reversal.
Chances are she hasn't and it is a good bet you could be offering a whole new idea and helping to restore hope.
Ligation reversal has helped many couples.