The Easiest Way to Get Pregnant - Get Healthy and Track Your Cycle
Obviously when thinking about starting a family you should always go and see your doctor to seek the correct professional medical advice.
Once you have done that, then there are some steps you can take that make conceiving a child a whole lot easier.
- Firstly both you and your partner have to be as fit and healthy as possible.
No, I'm not talking about hitting the gym and preparing to run the marathon, that's the wrong kind of fitness! But what I am talking about is eating healthily, exercising regularly and of course completely cutting out any kind of drug or alcohol use.
Yes, this includes smoking.
Don't forget your vital proteins and these are best obtained from healthy, lean meat.
Obviously giving up smoking can be a difficult task, so make sure you plan well and get the right help in this area.
If you want a baby bad enough that I'm sure you can kick this bad habit.
- Secondly it is a wise idea to start tracking your menstrual cycle.
This is because women are most fertile approximately 14 days before the start of their period.
So a healthy sex life around this time of the month will increase your chances of a successful conception.