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Stocks-Mutual-Funds : Business & Finance

Investing in Penny Stocks

People are generally interested in low price stocks because they can buy more shares for less money.Penny stocks are a low priced stock that generally sells for less than a dollar per share, however, a few types of penny stocks actually sell for less than five dollars per share.Penny stocks can also

What Are Hemlock Fir Posts?

Hemlock fir, more commonly known as Hem-Fir, is the designation for a group of softwood tree species found in the western United States with similar design values. The characteristics of lumber in the Hem-Fir group make it usable for building applications ranging from traditional post and beam housi

Stock Exchange and Stock Quotes

As New York Stock Exchange professional speculators know stock quotes are continually in flux. The quality of a stock is changing because it underlies the laws of supply and make a request of.

How to Dominate Today's Market With a Stock Picker of Cheap Stocks

Many new and inexperienced traders are beginning to use a stock picker of analytical background to trade in the market. These are programs which do all of the analytical work for you and deliver profitable trades to you so that you don't have to do any work beyond investing money in the picks a

Master Limited Partnerships

Master Limited Partnerships: Publicly Traded (exchange listed) companies with tax benefits for investors! Have you ever heard of a Master Limited Partnership (MLP)? As background, an MLP is a limited partnership that is publicly traded on a securities exchange such as the New York Stock Exchange (NY

Losses, Not Profits, Will Stop You from Trading in the Market

It is very unlikely that you will stop trading if your system is trading profitably.However, if you are in a trading year that takes too big a loss, you are likely to stop trading, even if your system has been tested and shown to make a profit over a longer time period.Therefore, it is important to


Two directors at ScotiaMcLeod created a list of 10 stocks that felt deserved to be watched in 2010. They developed a 25-page outlook report, which featured their choices for the consistent performers of the top ...

How to See After Market Trading

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the NASDAQ Stock Market have traditionally been open for business from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern time. After-hours trading, or trading occurring before and after normal trading hours, has been happening since the 1990s, though it used to be limited mostly to

Dow Jones Technical Analysis - Learning From Industry Leaders

Even new investors know that constantly tracking and monitoring the stocks in your inventory is one of the only ways that you can maintain control over your portfolio and stay up to date on market changes that could be big opportunities for profit. One of the most widely respected and reported stock

Turtle Trading Strategy

A Turtle Trading Strategy refers to an experiment by legendary trader Richard Dennis to see if principles of trend trading can be taught. Dennis enlisted a group of traders and non-traders, who he called the Turtles, and taught them trend trading techniques. While opinions differ on the success of t

Finding Winning Stocks

What are the key steps to follow when picking potential stocks for your investment portfolio? We all want to find wonderful businesses that have great long-term growth potential. Before you commit any of your hard-earned cash to any stock purchase, you'll feel better after having completed some

How to Pick Penny Stocks Without the Risk

Penny stocks in the stock market are the most inexpensive and cheap investments that you can find. Because of this, they tend to fluctuate strongly with little influence required on them. Consequently it is quite common to see a penny stock jump in short spurts and double or triple in value or more.

Tips on Treasury Inflation-Protected Bonds

Treasury Inflation Protected Securities -- TIPS -- are bonds issued by the U.S. Treasury that include a provision to protect the bonds' values from the effects of inflation. TIPS bonds can provide some protection against rising interest rates, especially if the rate increases are due to rising infla

IRA Stock Rules

An Individual Retirement Account (IRA) offers tax advantages on money you save an invest toward retirement. IRAs are relatively flexible when it comes to stock investments, requiring few restrictions. You can trade stocks, buy stock options and even buy riskier penny stocks inside your IRA. The one

The Changing Face of Charitable Gifts

For many years if you wanted to donate to a charity you were faced with the option of a cash donation. This article looks at the ever changing face of charity gifts and how donors can now choose from a wide variety of options.

Ideas for a Fund Raising Event

There are many ways to raise money for a good cause. One of the first things to think about is what cause to work for and then move from there. The individual can do some research on the web about the various organizations and then see if the one can fit it with the program.

How a Charity Group Can Maximise Their Fundraising

Anyone that works for a charity knows that there are some charities that are better at fundraising than others. The best fundraiser ideas for your charity are the ideas that best fit in with the charitable work that you already do.

What's Your Investment Strategy?

Investing money has a variable consequence and you can end up either on the losing side or the winning one. No one wants to lose money they invest, and hence to avoid this we need to have a good strategy, our investment strategy.

Low Cost-to-Benefit Ratios

Cost-to-benefit ratios can be used to determine whether a project is worth doing. These ratios are derived from a process regularly used in business and other industries known as a cost benefit analysis. This measures feasibility of projects based on whether the costs outweigh the benefits of the pr

Ups and Downs in the Stock Market - Take a Roller Coaster Ride

The global "R" word has affected the whole world. This buzz word of recession is now a common term that every second person can be found blaming it. Recession has affected the businesses and of course the international trade as well.