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STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction : Health & Medical
Genital Warts Removal - 5 Treatments That Work
Read about 5 different methods you can take for genital warts removal. Compare them and see which treatment option is best for you.
Coping With a Genital Herpes Diagnosis
Learning you have genital herpes can unleash a lot of emotions. WebMD helps you learn how to deal with your feelings.
HPV Virus Symptoms
Genital human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease that affects the genitals in both women and men. The symptoms are not visible to the human eye and many people do not know that they are infected with the disease. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United S
10 Reasons You Might Experience Vaginal Spotting Between Periods
How can you know if abnormal vaginal bleeding is implantation spotting, the start of an early miscarriage, or something else? Learn here.
About Nipples
All mammals, including humans, possess nipples. These small projections of skin are extremely important to survival as they provide for the transport of nourishment from the mother's body to that of the child following birth. Nipples are also celebrated as sexually attractive attributes in human fem
Coping With Cold Sores and Fever Blisters
For some people, cold sores and fever blisters are no big deal. For others it's reason enough to skip work or hide away in a dark room for days while the unsightly outbreak clears. Is it perhaps because the people who have learned to deal with it are better able to treat the sores and experienc
How to Remove an IUD
Women decide to remove an IUD for a variety of reasons including deciding to become pregnant or having uncomfortable side effects. Also, an IUD needs to be replaced every 5 to 10 years, so you may need to remove the devise if you need a replacement. But before removing your IUD, it's important to ha
HIV Testing
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of HIV testing including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Healthy Way to Cure Impotence
Erectile dysfunction is the medical term for impotence. In curing impotence, it is important to develop a healthy lifestyle to address the underlying problem as opposed to treating a symptom. By addressing the cause of erectile dysfunction, you are promoting a healthier lifestyle, relieving impotenc
Find Out The Solution For The Genital Warts Problem
Genital warts can be called venereal warts or condylomata acuminate. They represent one of the most widespread kinds of STDs sexually transmitted diseases or STIs sexually transmitted infections. Research discovered that 10% of young women in England have been infected with one or more strains of th
Genital Herpes And HPV - How To Remove The Embarrassment Of Genital Warts
The human papilloma virus, or HPV, is responsible for a number of health problems afflicting millions of individuals throughout the world today. Genital warts are one of the most commonly found sexually transmitted infections in today's population. There have been some estimates that as many as
HIV and AIDS: Treatment & Care
Without treatment, nearly everyone with HIV will get AIDS. These links will give you all the information you need to get the best treatment and care.
Living With Herpes Simplex 1
Herpes simplex 1 is the type ofherpes virus that affects the mouth or face area. The other category-herpes simplex 2-is the one that affects the genital area. Oral herpes is also known as cold sores and is characterized by red and swollen blisters growing in and around the mouth.
Human Papilloma Virus and Warts
Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV, is the disease that causes warts and it is very popular among the human population.In fact, a large percentage of the world's population probably carries this disease even if they do not have the visiblesymptoms known as warts.
Novel Bone-Targeting Agents in Prostate Cancer
What are the newest bone-targeting agents for bone metastases in prostate cancer?
The Affair You Don't Know You're Having
An email here, a smile there. Maybe that ‘innocent’ friendship with your guy friend isn't so innocent after all.
Think Sex, Sneeze More?
Some sneezes may happen just by thinking about sex or having an orgasm, British doctors report.
Genital Warts - What to Do If You Think You Have Genital Warts
If you have noticed some strange little lumps on your genitals, try not to panic--they might not be anything sinister at all. However, if you suspect you could have been infected with the HPV virus, read on for some helpful information on what to do if you think you have genital warts.
Good Home Remedy Choices for Genital Warts
To have genital warts is quite embarrassing, but it is even more difficult to go to a local drugstore to find treatment for one. People would rather bear with the warts than to be found that they have this condition.
Serological Criteria for Early Syphilis Treatment Efficacy
Syphilis may progress to symptomatic or asymptomatic neurosyphilis in immunocompetent patients, despite therapy.